Creating the secondary language variation labels

With our primary variation label created in the Creating the primary language variation label recipe, we will create a secondary variation label to serve as the target site for the content published in our primary variation label site. When creating variation labels, the label name is used in the URL for the sites. For instance, a label name of fr-fr results in the site URL of /fr-fr/. In this recipe, we will be using the French language for our target label. If you chose to install the language pack for a different language, use that language instead.

How to do it…

Follow these steps to create a secondary language variation label:

  1. Navigate to the site collection that will contain the source and target variations in your preferred web browser.
  2. Click on Site settings from the Settings menu.
  3. Select Variation labels from the Site Collection Administration section.
  4. Click on New Label.
  5. Select a language and locale for the new variation label as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it…
  6. Click on Continue.
  7. Select Publishing Sites, Lists with Variations, and All Pages under the Hierarchy Creation:
    How to do it…
  8. Click on Continue.
  9. Select Allow human translation on this target label and Allow Machine Translation on this target label:
    How to do it…
  10. Click on Continue.
  11. Select Automatically update target variation pages.
  12. Click on Continue.
  13. Review the details of the new variation label and click on Finish.

How it works…

Creating the secondary variation label adds a new target site in the site collection. When content is published in the primary variation label site, it will be published to the target site based on the settings configured in the Configuring site collection variation settings recipe. Once content has been published to a target variation label site, it can then be translated into that language using human or machine translation.

When a variation label is created, a job to create the variation hierarchy will be automatically queued. A timer job will process the queue the next time it runs, which is once per hour by default. We will check the status of our variation hierarchy in the next recipe, Checking the status of the variation hierarchy.

See also

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