Time for action – Loading a project

The first step is to start the Unity development environment by clicking on the Unity IDE icon.

Time for action – Loading a project

If you're familiar with Unity version 2, it is important to note that there is no longer a separate application for Unity iPhone. One of the new features in Unity 3 is that there is no longer a distinct environment for every deployment target – you have one IDE for everything. This has a number of benefits, as we will see throughout the course of the book.

The first thing you will see when the environment starts is the Project Wizard. In this chapter we are simply going to load and deploy an existing project so that we can walk through the workflow of getting everything setup for publishing to the iOS device.

  1. Select the Open Other… button, navigate to where you installed the assets for the book and select the Chapter 1 folder.
  2. Unity will then load this project and you will be greeted with the standard Unity interface:
    Time for action – Loading a project
  3. If you noticed, in the middle of the previous screenshot, the title bar for the application you will see the standard VCR controls.
  4. If you click on the play button, the game will start on your machine and you will be able to play around with the game in the Unity IDE. Play around with it for a second because you want to have some idea of how the application should look and behave when it is installed on a regular iOS device.

What just happened?

We have just loaded the sample game project in the Unity environment and run it on our development machine. In the normal development lifecycle you will find that you will perform the code-debug-test cycle on your machine and export it to your device to ensure that the performance is adequate or test the device-specific functionality.

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