Time for action — creating the title screen

Our title screen will be composed of a nice single-colored background, the text Balls Out!, and two text buttons to Play and Exit the game:

  1. Create the CreateTitleScreen method inside the game class.
    Method CreateTitleScreen:Int ()
  2. Create a new box object, assign it to the title layer, and set the color to a nice blue.
    Local box:ftObject = eng.CreateBox(cw-20,ch-20,cw/2,ch/2)
  3. Now, create a text object that is also assigned to the title layer. Scale it to the factor 3.
    Local tx1:ftObject = eng.CreateText(font1,"Balls Out!",cw/2,ch/5,1)
  4. To start and exit the game, we need two text buttons, both scaled to factor 1.5 and assigned to the title layer.
    Local b1:ftObject = CreateTextButton(font1, "Play", cw/2,ch/5*3, btnPlay, layerTitle)
    Local b3:ftObject = CreateTextButton(font1, "Exit", cw/2,ch/5*4, btnExit, layerTitle)
  5. Close the method.
    Return 0

What just happened?

With this method, we will be able to create the title screen in one call. It's also a place that you can easily identify to add and change the screen in its total appearance.

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