Time for action — building the basic file structure of the game

Let's begin with the basic game structure:

  1. Open an empty script and save it under the file name RocketCommander.monkey, in a folder of your choice.
  2. The first line in this new script will tell Monkey to compile your script in STRICT mode.
  3. Now, add some comments about the script.
    Script: RocketCommander.monkey
    Description: Sample script from chapter #3 of the book
    "Monkey Game Development Beginners guide" by PacktPub
    Author: Michael Hartlef
  4. This time we won't import mojo, but another file, in which we'll import all the classes and other files. This file will be created soon, under the name gameClasses.monkey.
    Import gameClasses
  5. And finally in this file, we need the main function. Without it, Monkey will complain when you try to build it.
    Function Main:Int()
  6. Inside the main function, we will create a new instance of the main class, called RocketCommander, and store it inside a global variable called game, which again will be created very soon in another file.
    game = New RocketCommander
  7. Now, close the function.
    Return True
  8. Ok, that is all for this file. Save it.

    You might close it for now, but when you want to run the game later, this is the file you want to build from.

    As you can see, this is quite an unusual approach, as we have used identifiers and objects which don't exist at the moment. But, you will create them very soon! First, we start with creating the file to import all the classes, functions, and data definitions.

  9. Create an empty file and save it in the same folder as the first one, with the name gameClasses.monkey.
  10. In this empty script, tell Monkey to use the Strict mode again (for this file and importing the mojo framework).
    Import mojo
  11. In this file, we will also import our other files that include all the classes, functions, and global definitions. Add an Import command for the next file we will create.
    Import mainClass
  12. Now save the gameClasses.monkey file and close it for now.

    The next file we will create is called mainClass.monkey. This will store our main class, RocketCommander.

  13. Create a new empty script and save it under the name mainClass.monkey.
  14. Tell Monkey to activate the Strict mode in this file and import the previously created file gameClasses.monkey.
    Import gameClasses
  15. As we have mentioned a variable called game before, we will add its definition to this file now. Remember, game holds the instance of the class RocketCommander.
    Global game:RocketCommander
  16. Now, we create the actual RocketCommander class, which of course extends from mojo's App class.
    Class RocketCommander Extends App

    As usual, we will add the OnCreate, OnUpdate, and OnRender methods.

  17. Let's start with the OnCreate method. Remember that it will always have to contain a SetUpdateRate statement.
    Method OnCreate:Int()
    SetUpdateRate(60) 'Set update rate to 60 fps
    Return True
  18. Next, we will add the OnUpdate and OnRender methods.
    Method OnUpdate:Int()
    Return True
    Method OnRender:Int()
    Return True
  19. It is time to close this class.
    Return True
  20. Save the file and close it for now.

What just happened?

We have created three files for now. The RocketCommander.monkey file holds the Main function and is the one that has to be built when you want to compile the game. The gameClasses.monkey file imports all other files where we actually defined the game. It's also the only file we will import in all other files. And last but not least, we have created our mainClass.monkey file, which will hold the main class called RocketCommander.

You could try to build and run the game now. If Monkey does not report any problems, you should see just a white screen in the browser. So let's get closer to something visible.

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