Time for action — finalizing the OnCreate method

Inside the OnCreate method, we will set the virtual canvas size and set up the layers and the title screen. Also, we will create the objects that will use the default layers for the game background.

  1. Set the virtual canvas size to 800x600. By setting it, you will make sure that the game canvas will be the same size, no matter what resolution the Xbox 360 runs on.
    Method OnCreate:Int()
    eng = New engine
  2. Now, load the tile set and store it inside the atlas field.
    atlas = LoadImage("atd_tiles.png")
  3. The same goes for the bitmap font. Load it, and store the reference.
    font1 = eng.LoadFont("atd_font")
  4. Now, make a call to the method that will create all the needed layers.

    Remember, we only created new layers. The default layer is still the active one, so every object that is created now will be assigned to the default layer.

  5. Add a text object that will display the number of crates on targets in the top-left corner of the canvas.
    txtCrates = eng.CreateText(font1,"Crates on target: "+onTarget+"/"+crateNum,20,10)
  6. Insert another text object in the top-right corner to inform the player how to switch back to the title screen.
    Local tx:ftObject = eng.CreateText(font1,"'X'=Back",eng.canvasWidth-20,10,2)
  7. Make a call to the method that will create the title screen.
    Return 0

What just happened?

The method OnCreate is now finalized. If you want, you can build and run the game. By now, you should see something like the following:

What just happened?

Of course, there is no functionality when pressing any key at the moment. But you will get there, don't worry.

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