Time for action — implementing explosions

To implement explosions follow the ensuing steps:

  1. Create a new script and save it under the name explosionClass.monkey.
  2. Again, switch into Strict mode, import gameClasses, and create a global list called explosions, to store each explosion created in it.
    Import gameClasses
    Global explosions := New List<explosion>

    Just like with the other objects before, we need some wrapper functions, which we can implement into the RocketCommander class. Only the names of the functions are different, so you already now how they work.

  3. Implement functions to create, update, render, and remove explosions.
    Function UpdateExplosions:Int()
    For Local explosion := Eachin explosions
    Return True
    Function RenderExplosions:Int()
    For Local explosion := Eachin explosions
    Return True
    Function RemoveExplosions:Int()
    Return True
    Function CreateExplosion:Int(x:Float, y:Float)
    Local e:explosion = New explosion
    e.Init(x, y)
    Return True

    Now, we will add the actual explosion class.

  4. Add a new class called explosion.
    Class explosion
  5. To store the position of an explosion, we need the usual fields.
    Field x:Float = 0.0 'x pos of an explosion
    Field y:Float = 0.0 'y pos of an explosion
  6. As an explosion is a circle, we need fields to store the radius.
    Field cr:Float = 2.0 'current radius
    Field tr:Float = 40.0 'target radius
  7. The last field will be a score modifier, which will be used when a bomb collides with the explosion and we get points for it.
    Field score:Int = 100 'Points for destroying a bomb

    Now, let's add some methods so that the class is functional.

  8. Add methods to initialize, render, and update an explosion.
    Method Init:Int(xp:Float,yp:Float)
    x = xp
    y = yp
    Return True
    Method Update:Int()
    cr += 0.25 'Raise the radius
    'Check if target radius is reached
    If cr > tr Then
    Return True
    Method Render:Int()
    Local cd:Int = Rnd(0,100)
    SetColor(255-cd, 155+cd, 0)
    DrawCircle(x, y, cr)
    Return True

What just happened?

We have created a class that deals with explosions. The explanation to implement it was very short as we did similar things with cities, launchers, and rockets, before. There is no need to repeat everything again.

Implementing the explosion class into the game

Let us implement the explosion class into the game.

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