Some flexible methods for the update process

During the update process, the game will be in a certain mode. At one point, for example, it will create a new game. During this part, it has to load a level map and create the player's powerful machine. Without it, there is no way to push the huge crates around inside the storage area.

It is always a good practice to organize these tasks in their own functions or methods. Maybe you are wondering why I mainly use methods inside classes for this. Well, it is more of a personal preference, as well as a feature, that a method can interface a field of a class to make it easier or shorter, if desired.

Lads and gents… the main actor

The player of this game will control a huge pushing machine. With its 880 horsepower and its hard rubber tracks, you can easily navigate it through the tight corners of the storage space. The wide pusher at the front will grab onto a crate tightly when you want to push it.

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