Time for action — detailing the OnObjectTimer method

The method OnObjectTimer in the engine class has two parameters. The timer ID and the object it is related to.

  1. Inside the OnObjectTimer method, check if the timer ID equals g.tmObjRemove.
    Method OnObjectTimer:Int(timerId:Int, obj:ftObject)
    If timerId = g.tmObjRemove Then
  2. Remove the object and close the IF check.
  3. Check if timer ID is equal to g.tmShieldTime.
    If timerId = g.tmShieldTime Then
  4. Deactivate the object.
  5. Set the collision group of the player ship to g.grpPlayer again. Then, close the IF check.

What just happened?

We have created timers during the game. When these fire, the preceding method will determine the corresponding object and act on it accordingly.

Everything is under control—object update events

Every time an object gets updated, the OnObjectUpdate method is called automatically from the engine. So this is a great place to check for input by the user and control our ship with it.

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