Time for action — creating the "game over" screen

In the next method, a screen will be created and will display Game Over and the score that the player had reached.

  1. Insert the method CreateGameOverScreen into the game class.
    Method CreateGameOverScreen:Int ()
  2. Set the default layer to layerGameOver.
  3. Create a blue box.
    Local b := eng.CreateBox(cw/1.5,ch/4,cw/2,ch/2)
  4. Add a text object that will display the text GAME OVER.
    Local tx1 := eng.CreateText(font1,"**** GAME OVER ****",cw/2,ch/2-30,3)
  5. To display the score, add another text object (txtFinalScore).
    txtFinalScore = eng.CreateText(font1,"SCORE: 000000",cw/2,ch/2+30,3)
    Return 0

What just happened?

When this method is called later on, it will inform the player that the game has ended and show them the score they have attained.

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