Time for action — loading the game sound effects

To load sounds, we will create a method in the game class called LoadSounds. There, we will load sounds for an explosion, a hit sound, and a select sound:

  1. Create a new method called LoadSounds.
    Method LoadSounds:Int ()
  2. Load the three sounds called select, explosion, and hit (remember, no file extension!).
    sndSelect = eng.LoadSound("select")
    sndExplo = eng.LoadSound("explosion")
    sndHit = eng.LoadSound("hit")
  3. Close the method.
    Return 0

What just happened?

We have created a method to load sounds into the game. To load sounds, we used fantomengine's LoadSound method. You don't need to add the file extension to it, as fantomengine will load the one that is right for that platform. In the case of iOS, it is the MP4 file format.

Lay your head on me—the game layers

Think about grouping game objects and then each group is updated and rendered after each other and on top of each other. These groups are called layers.

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