Time for action — implementing some rockets

Surely you know what you have to do now. Like all the other main objects we have created so far, each rocket will have its own class, which is located in its own file.

  1. Create a new file and save it under the name rocketClass.monkey.
  2. Start the script with the usual mumbo jumbo: Strict mode, importing gameClasses, and a global rockets list definition.
    Import gameClasses
    Global rockets := New List<rocket>

    Just like with cities and launchers, we will have some wrapper functions. Let's start with the function to update all rockets.

  3. Create the UpdateRockets function. There we loop through the rockets list and call the Update method of each rocket we find.
    Function UpdateRockets:Int()
    For Local rocket := Eachin rockets
    Return True

    The same goes for drawing the rockets on the canvas.

  4. Add the function RenderRockets. Again, it loops through all rockets and calls the Render method.
    Function RenderRockets:Int()
    For Local rocket := Eachin rockets
    Return True

    To create a rocket, we will have the CreateRocket function.

  5. The parameters of the CreateRocket function will be the mouse position and the starting x position.
    Function CreateRocket:Int(mx:Int, my:Int, xp:Int)
    Local r:rocket = New rocket 'Create a new rocket
    r.Init(mx, my, xp) 'Initialize the rocket
    rockets.AddLast(r) 'Add the rocket to the rockets list
    Return True

    And, to remove all existing rockets, we have the RemoveRockets function.

  6. Implement a function called RemoveRockets. In it, we call the Clear method of the rockets list.
    Function RemoveRockets:Int()
    Return True

    The last function we need is one that calculates the distance between two coordinates. We need this to determine speed factors and also for our collision checks later on.

  7. Create a function called GetDistance. The parameters are two pairs of X and Y position variables.
    Function GetDistance:Float( x1:Float, y1:Float, x2:Float, y2:Float )
    Local diffx:Float, diffy:Float 'to store the difference
    diffx = x1 - x2 'Calculate the X difference
    diffy = y1 - y2 'Calculate the Y difference
    'Return the square root of the sum of divX^2 plus divY^2
    Return Sqrt((diffx * diffx) + (diffy * diffy))

    That's all for the wrapper functions. Save the file now. Next stop, the rocket class!

  8. Create a new class called rocket.
    Class rocket

    Now, we will create some data fields to help with animating the rocket.

  9. First add fields to store the starting position.
    Field sx:Float = 0.0 'x start pos
    Field sy:Float = 0.0 'y start pos
  10. Next, we need fields to store the target position.
    Field tx:Float = 0.0 'x target pos
    Field ty:Float = 0.0 'y target pos
  11. The following fields will store the current position.
    Field cx:Float = 0.0 'x current pos
    Field cy:Float = 0.0 'y current pos
  12. And finally, we add some fields to help with calculating the rocket movement.
    Field dx:Float = 0.0 'x difference
    Field dy:Float = 0.0 'y difference
    Field speed:Float = 0.0 'speed factor

    Ok, we have created the data fields for each rocket. Let's implement some methods.

  13. Create the Init method. The parameters are the target position and the starting x position.
    Method Init:Int(rx:Float, ry:Float, xp:Int)
  14. Next, we will set the starting position. x is given by the method parameter and y is calculated.
    sx = xp
    sy = game.cHeight 60.0
  15. Again, we will store some parameters—the rocket's target position.
    tx = rx
    ty = ry
  16. Now, we set the current position to the starting position.
    cx = sx
    cy = sy
  17. To determine difference between the x and y starting position and target, we calculate these by a simple subtraction formula.
    dx = tx - sx
    dy = ty - sy
  18. Lastly, we calculate the speed of the rocket by determining the distance in pixels and dividing it by 4. Then, close the method.
    speed = GetDistance(sx, sy, tx, ty)/4.0
    Return True

    In each frame, we will need to calculate the new position of a rocket. For this, we need an Update method.

  19. Add a method called Update.
    Method Update:Int()
  20. Calculate the current position by dividing the difference between x and y by the speed factor.
    cx += dx/speed
    cy += dy/speed
  21. Rockets travel upwards, so to check if they have reached their target, you need to check if the current Y position is less than the target Y position.
    If cy < ty Then
  22. If the target position is reached, remove the rocket from the rockets list. After that, close the IF check, and the method.
    Return True

    Just like cities and launchers, we want to render a rocket.

  23. Create the Render method.
    Method Render:Int()
  24. Draw a grey trail behind the rocket with the DrawLine statement.
    SetColor(70, 70, 70)
    DrawLine(sx, sy, cx, cy)
  25. Now, draw the rocket head with a random color, and as a circle.
    Local cd:Int = Rnd(0, 50) 'Determine a random color factor
    SetColor(255-cd, 255-cd, 255-cd)
    DrawCircle(cx, cy, 3)
  26. Close the method and the class.
    Return True

What just happened?

That was quick, right? We have a class for our rockets now. We can create them easily and update them through a simple call of a function. Once they reach their target, they destroy themselves.

Implementing the rocket class into the game

To be able to finally shoot something, we will now add the rocket class to the game.

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