Our first little game... PONGO

It's time that you develop your first little game. A small game, but a game for sure. Do you remember a game called PONG? If not, here again is a Wikipedia link that describes PONG: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong.

Your game PONGO will be a single-player game. The opponent will be controlled by the computer. As it is pretty brainless, it will actually have two paddles to work with. Unfair, but who said life is fair?

The paddle for the player will be controlled by pressing the up and down keys on the keyboard. The goal of the game is to reach 10 points. You get a point once the opponent is not able to play the ball back.

So what features does the game have?

  • You need to read the keyboard to control the paddle
  • You need to draw a circle for the ball
  • You need to draw rectangles for the paddles
  • You need to check if the ball collides with the paddles and react to it
  • You need to print some messages on the screen to inform the player about the state of the game
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