
This chapter was a bit of a whirlwind tour and only one small part of what you can do with Authoring Tool. The best way to learn the rest is just to jump in and try—between the online documentation, search engines, and the ShiVa forum, you should be able to find the answer to most questions. Sometimes, you just have to try things out on your own, but then you gain valuable knowledge that you can share with others—become a part of the ShiVa community!

A game in roughly 100 pages—we pulled it off. You'll notice that the game is sadly incomplete in many ways, but there needs to be limits or this book would never end! We could have added a better intro, a menu for changing options, a scoring mechanism with a high score list, and so on, but these are all things you can do now that you have the basics. You may want to take what we have started and finish it up, or start something from scratch. Whatever you choose to do, you now have enough exposure to how ShiVa3D works and how to get more information that you can experiment on your own and make some seriously fun games! Good luck and I hope to buy some of your games in the future!

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