About the Reviewer

Zachary Burke has a formal education in electrical engineering and has been trying to make video games since he was seven years old. He has been a dedicated ShiVa user since early 2011, and you'll find him on the forums as error454.

As well as having a successful career in the mobile industry, he moonlights as a game designer and developer for his own company, Hypercane Studios.

Marc Schaerer is a thirty-one-year old interactive media software engineer working as a freelance developer and consultant.

After years of self-tutoring in various game development related fields, he immatriculated at ETH Zurich, a major global institution in research and training new engineers, where he studied Computer Science and Computational Science and Engineering.

Armed with the indepth background gained at ETH and forced by the lack of presence of interactive and gaming industry in Switzerland, he funded Gayasoft to work as a remote freelance game software engineer and technical consultant for a variety of smaller and bigger global customers, including Solstar Games where he took over the lead developer position for their MMO technology suite Realm Crafter, before leaving to move to ShiVa 3D and the Unity interactive engine technologies in 2008, which since then became his main tools to create immersive, interactive 2D and 3D experiences for the Web and mobile.

With the technological change in the society initially started by the growing usage of the new generations of smart phones, his interest broadened to cover games in their complete form including interactive trainings, interactive tutoring, serious games, and gamification. This interest lead him to Living Artz in 2010–2011, where he filled the role as a programmer on a major 3D online virtual community project featuring an immersive learning environment, followed later in 2011 by a lead developer position on Popper (http://www.popper.org), an interactive 3D behavioral research platform powered by Unity and ExitGames Photon, but this interest also raised his interest in helping others to create immersive experiences for users, be it for entertainment, learning, or serious games.

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