Manifest file

The WMAppManifest.xml file (from the Properties directory) allows you to adjust the settings of the application. To open the Manifest Designer, which simplifies the modification of these settings, just double-click on the file in the Solution Explorer window. The newly opened tab contains four groups with settings, namely Application UI, Capabilities, Requirements, and Packaging.

The first one (Application UI) makes it possible to specify preferences regarding the application UI, including a name, description, icon, supported resolutions, tiles, as well as a default page showing when the application is started (the Navigation Page property).

The Capabilities tab indicates which capabilities can be used by the game. They are presented in the list with short descriptions. For instance, you can allow the application to use the microphone, speech recognition, location services, as well as maps. Without the proper capabilities, the application can work incorrectly and throw exception in case of any unauthorized operation. It is worth mentioning that required capabilities are presented to the user before downloading the application from the store.

The Requirements tab specifies the hardware requirements that the device has to meet. Therefore, you can indicate that the game requires, for example, a front or rear camera, a magnetometer, or a gyroscope.

The Packaging option contains settings regarding the author, publisher, version, as well as the default and supported languages.

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