Necessary modifications

In your game, there will be many objects in the world, the target planet and a lot of asteroids. Therefore, it is a good idea to rename the CubeRenderer class to GameRenderer, as well as change the names of the .h and .cpp files. To do it, select the CubeRenderer.h file in the Solution Explorer window and choose the Rename option from the context menu. After typing a new name, press Enter. The similar action should be repeated for CubeRenderer.cpp.

Files should be renamed correctly, however, their content remain unchanged. You should choose the Edit | Find and Replace | Replace in Files option from the main menu. It opens a new window where you can specify a text that you want to find and replace. You should type CubeRenderer and GameRenderer in the two text boxes, choose Current Project from the list, and click on the Replace all button. An additional window is shown in which you should select the field Replace All will open all files with changes for editing (to be able to undo operations) and you should then click on Yes. In a moment, an information that 12 occurrence(s) replaced should be shown. It means that the process is finished correctly.

Now, you can save the project by choosing the Save All option from the menu and rebuild it, by clicking on Build and Rebuild solution. Due to changes performed in the project, an additional window can be shown with a question whether you want to rebuild the project. Of course you should click on Yes and, optionally, select Do not show this dialog again. At the end, the information Rebuild All: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped is presented in the Output window.

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