The power of an item

At the core of any inventory/shopping system are the individual items themselves. They need to be designed in a way that will not only set each item apart from every other item, but will also ensure that they work together to benefit the player as they travel through your world.

Items generally have their individual properties. Refer to the following table:




Can this only be used in a certain slot for the player or in general?


Can items, such as ammo or potions, be stacked on top of each other?


Yes, items should have health and they shouldn't degrade.

Strength or damage

What is the effect on the player's health (can it be negative to add health)?


Does the item protect the player at all, even if only a little bit?


Does the item have its own source of power/ammunition? Is it limited?

Recharge rate

Does the item recharge itself or not? Can it be recharged?


Is the item bulky and cumbersome?


Is it light or heavy? Will it encumber the player or slow them down?


Similar to a backpack, does it enable the player to carry more? Negative would mean that they will carry less.


What is the in-game or real currency value of an item?

Trade-in value

In some systems, the item's health will impact this.


Does the item have bonuses that will also enhance the player?


Similar to perks, does the item grant a special action to the player?


Is it a weapon, armor, potion, and so on?


Does it have a specific category within its type?


Can the item be leveled up, making it stronger, or is it a fixed level?

Durable or consumable

Is the item nonconsumable, durable, purchasable, or one-time consumable?


Is the item one of a kind, simply hard to find, or a commonplace object?

A lot of the preceding items will just depend on the style of the game you are making; not all will fit, but you should review each of them in turn as you design the shopping/inventory system.

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