Building your assets

What may seem daunting is actually one of the simplest tasks to perform in Unity because it is just a two-click job.

If you recall in Chapter 2, Building a Character, I said you will create a package that contains all the default folders you can use for any project; so, let's do that.

First, create a new project (just because it's best to start from scratch) and then add in whatever folders, assets, scripts, and so on that you need in your asset package. In this case, just all the folders we will commonly use in any Unity project are shown here:

Building your assets

With that in place, just navigate to Assets | Export Package from the Unity editor menu, and you will be presented with the following window:

Building your assets

Here, you can select all the assets currently in your project that you want bundled up in your own reusable Unity asset package. Once you are happy with your selection, just click on Export…. Then, Unity will simply ask where you want your package to be created:

Building your assets

There you have it! Once saved, you will simply have your new asset package that you can reuse on every project or even publish to the asset store and make millions (well probably not if it's just a bunch of folders, you might need a bit more than that). This package can be named as follows:

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