
Continued dimensional and functional1 scaling of CMOS2 integrated circuit technology is driving information processing3 systems into a broadening spectrum of new applications. Many of these applications are enabled by performance gains and/or increased complexity realized by scaling. Because dimensional scaling of CMOS eventually will approach fundamental limits, several new alternative information processing devices and microarchitectures for existing or new functions are being explored to sustain the historical integrated circuit scaling cadence and reduction of cost/function in future decades. This is driving interest in new devices for information processing and memory, new technologies for heterogeneous integration of multiple functions (a.k.a. “More than Moore”), and new paradigms for systems architecture.

This book is based on the ITRS Emerging Research Device (ERD) International Technical Work Group's efforts over more than ten years to survey, research, and assess many of these new devices. As such, it provides an ITRS perspective on emerging research nanodevice technologies and serves as a bridge between CMOS and the realm of nanoelectronics beyond the end of CMOS dimensional and equivalent functional scaling. (Material challenges related to emerging research devices are addressed in a complementary ITRS chapter entitled Emerging Research Materials.)

An overarching goal of the ERD is to identify, assess, and catalog viable new information processing devices and systems architectures for their long-range potential and technological maturity, and to identify the scientific/technological challenges gating their acceptance by the semiconductor industry as having acceptable risk for further development. The intent is to provide an objective, informative resource for the constituent nanoelectronics communities pursuing: (1) research, (2) tool development, (3) funding support, and (4) investment, each directed to developing a new information processing technology. These communities include universities, research institutes, industrial research laboratories, tool suppliers, research funding agencies, and the semiconductor industry.

This goal is accomplished by addressing two technology-defining domains: (1) extending the functionality of the CMOS platform via heterogeneous integration of new technologies, and (2) stimulating the invention of a new information processing paradigm. The relationship between these domains is schematically illustrated in Figure P.1. The expansion of the CMOS platform by conventional dimensional and functional scaling is often called “More Moore”. The CMOS platform can be further extended by the “More than Moore” approach which is a relatively new subject. On the other hand, new information processing devices and architectures are often called “Beyond CMOS” technologies and are the main subjects addressed in this book. The heterogeneous integration of “Beyond CMOS” and “More than Moore” onto the “More Moore” platform will extend CMOS functionality to form the ultimate “Extended CMOS”.


Figure P.1 Relationship between More Moore, More than Moore, and Beyond CMOS (Source: ERD, Japan)

The book is partitioned into five sections: (1) Introduction, including a fundamental description of the physics of some nanodevices, (2) nanoelectronic memory devices, (3) nanoelectronic logic information processing devices, (4) concepts for emerging architectures, and (5) summary, conclusions, and outlook for nanoelectronic devices. Some detail is provided for each entry regarding operation principles, advantages, technical challenges, maturity, and its current and projected performance. Also included is a device and architectural focus combining emerging research devices offering specialized, unique functions as heterogeneous core processors integrated with a CMOS platform technology. This represents the nearer-term focus of this work, with the longer-term focus remaining on the discovery of an alternate information processing technology to supplement and to eventually replace digital CMOS.


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