
1D1R 1-Diode-1-resistor
1S1R 1-Selector-1-resistor
1T One transistor
1T1C 1-Transistor-1-capacitor
1T1R 1-Transistor-1-resistor
2DEG Two-dimensional electron gas
3D Three dimensional
AD Analog digital
AF Anti-ferromagnetic
AIST Silver (Ag) Indium (In) Antimony (Sb) Tellurium (Te)
ALD Atomic layer deposition
AM Associative memory
ASIC Application specific integrated circuit
ASL All-spin logic
BARITT diode Barrier-injection transit-time diode
BBE Brain, body, environment based interactions
BBL Buried bit line
BDA 1,4-Benzenediamine
BDC60 Bis(fullero[c]pyrolidin-1y1)benzene
BDT 1,4-Benzenedithiol
BE Bottom electrode
BEC Bottom electrode contact
BEOL Back end of line
BFO Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3)
BiSFET Bilayer pseudo-spin field-effect transistor
BIST Built-in self-test
BJT Bipolar junction transistor
BL Bit line
BLG Bilayer graphene
BN Beyond Neumann
CA Cellular automata
CAM Contend addressable memory
CBL Cantilever bit line
CBRAM Conductive-bridge random access memory
CDMA Code division multiple access
CMIS Current-induced magnetization switching
CMOS Complementary metal oxide semiconductor
CNT Carbon nanotube
CNTFET Carbon nanotube field-effect transistor
CO Carbon monoxide
CoFeB Cobalt iron boron
CoPt Cobalt platinum
CP-AFM Conducting probe–atomic force microscopy
CPP Current perpendicular to plane
CPU Central processing unit
CRS Complementary resistive switch
CTAFM Conductive-tip atomic force microscopy
D Density of states
DC Direct contact
DC8 to DC12 Eight to 12 carbon atoms in alkanedithiols
dCNT Carbon nanotube diameter
DFT Density functional theory
DIBL Drain induced barrier lowering
DMRG method Density matrix renormalization group method
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DoM Degree of match
DOS Density of states
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DVD Digital versatile disc
e Elementary charge of an electron
EBIC Electron beam induced current
EBJs Electromigrated break junctions
EEPROM Electrically erasable programmable read only memory
Eg Energy bandgap
EM Electromechanical
EMB Electrochemical metallization bridge
EOT Equivalent oxide thickness
ERD Emerging research devices
FD Fully depleted
FeFET Ferroelectric field effect transistor
Fe-NAND Ferroelectric NAND
FeRAM Ferroelectric random access memory
FERET Facial recognition technology
FET Field-effect transistor
FIB Focused ion beam
FinFET Multi-gate MOSFET with fin-shaped active structure
FL Free layer
FM Ferromagnetic
FN Fowler–Nordheim
FOPE Fluorinated oligomer
FPGA Field programmable gate array
FRAM Ferroelectric random access memory
FTJ Ferroelectric tunnel junction
FWHM Full width at half maximum
GAA Gate all around
GaAs Gallium arsenide
GMR Giant magnetoresistive
GNM Graphene nanomesh
GNR Graphene nanoribbon
GQ Quantum conductance
GSHE Giant spin Hall effect
GST Germanium (Ge), Antimony(Sb), Tellurium(Te)
h Planck's constant
HDD Hard disk drive
HEMT High electron mobility transistor
HF Hydrofluoric acid
HKMG High-k metal gate
HMAX Hierarchical memory and X
HOMO Highest occupied molecular orbital
HP High performance
HRS High resistance state
HTM Hierarchical temporal memory
IC Integrated circuit
ICT Information and communication technologies
IEDM International Electron Devices Meeting
IETS Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy
I-MOS Impact-ionization MOS
InAlAs Indium aluminum arsenide
InAs Indium arsenide
InGaAs Indium gallium arsenide
iNML In-plane nanomagnet logic
InP Indium phosphide
InSb Indium antimonide
Ioff Off current
Ion On current
IOP Input–output processor
IPCM Interfacial phase change memory
ITRS International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors
KJMA Kolmogorov, Johnson and Mehl, and Avrami
Lch Channel length
LEC Lyric error correction
Lg Gate length
LLG Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert
LRS Low resistance state
Lspr Spacer length
LtN Less than Neumann
LUMO Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
m Carrier effective mass
MC Magneto current ratio
MCBJs Mechanically controllable break junctions
MEMS Micro-electro-mechanical systems
MFIS Metal ferroelectric insulator semiconductor
MFTJ Multiferroic tunnel junctions
MG Multigate
mHEMT Metamorphic HEMT
MIEC Mixed ionic electronic conduction
MIM Metal–insulator–metal
MIT Metal–insulator transition
MLC Multi level cell
MO-BF Metal oxide–bipolar filamentary
MOS Metal oxide semiconductor
MoS2 Molybdenum disulfide
MoSe2 Molybdenum diselenide
MOSFET Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor
MO-UF Metal oxide–unipolar filamentary
MQCA: Magnetic quantum-dot cellular automata
MRAM Magnetic random access memory
M-SCM Memory class storage class memory
MTJ Magnetic tunnel junction
MtN More than Neumann
Nc Nanocrystal
NCC Nano-current channel
ND Notre Dame
NEMory Memory cell based on a NEMS switch
NEMS Nano-electro-mechanical systems
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
NML Nanomagnet logic
N-T N-Terminal relay
NV Nonvolatile
NVM Nonvolatile Memory
NWFET Nanowire field-effect transistor
ODT Au-octanedithol junction
ONO Oxide–nitride–oxide
OOMMF Object oriented micromagnetic framework
OPE Oligophenyleneethynynylene
OPI Oligophenyleneimine
OPV Oligophenylenevinylene
OS Operating system
OTP One-time programmable
OTS Ovonic threshold switch
PABA Persistent asynchronous background activity
PC Phase change
PCB Phase change bridge
PCM Phase change memory
PCRAM Phase change random access memory
PDMS Polydimethylsiloxane
PE Piezoelectric
PE: Processing element
PET Piezoelectronic transistor
PF Poole Frenkel
PFM Piezoresponse force microscopy
pHEMT Pseudomorphic HEMT
PIDS Process integration, devices, and structures
PLA Programmable logic array
PLL Phase-locked loop
PM Permanent magnet
pMA Pars-mercaptoaniline
PMA Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
PMN-PT Lead magnesium niobate – lead titanate
pNML: Perpendicular nanomagnet logic
PR Piezoresistive
PZN-PT Lead zinc niobate–lead titanate
PZT Lead zirconate titanate
QCA Quantum-dot cellular automata
R Read
R6G Rhodamine
RA Resistance × area
RAM Random access memories
Rc Contact resistance
RC Time constant of a circuit composed of resistors and capacitors
RDF Random dopant fluctuation
ReRAM Redox resistive random access memory
RF Radio frequency
RIE Reactive ion etch
RL Reference layer
RQ Quantum resistance
RRAM Resistive random access memory
RTD Resonant tunneling diode
RWL Read word line
SAM Self-assembled monolayer
SB Schottky barrier
SBM Suspended beam memory
SBT SrBi2Ta2O9
SCE Short channel effect
SCLC Space–charge limited conduction
SCM Storage class memory
SEM Scanning electron microscopy
SERS Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
SET Single electron transistor
SEU Single event upset
SFD: Switching field distribution
SG Suspended gate
Si Silicon
SLL Super lattice like
SNDM Scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy
SNM Static noise margin
SoC System on a chip
SOI Silicon on insulator
SPDT Single pole double-throw
SPT Structural phase transition
SR Structural relaxation
SR Stochastic resonance
SRAM Static random access memory
SS Subthreshold swing
S-SCM Storage class storage class memory
SSD Solid state disk
STD Spin torque device
STDP Spike timing dependent plasticity
STM Scanning tunneling microscopy
STM-BJ Scanning tunnel microscope controlled break junction
STMG Spin torque majority logic gate
STNO Spin torque nano-oscillator
STS Scanning tunneling spectroscopy
STS Subthreshold slope
STT Spin transfer torque
STT-MRAM Spin torque transfer magnetic random access memory
SWD Spin wave devices
SWNT Single walled carbon nanotube
TBR Thermal boundary resistance
TE Top electrode
TEM Transmission electron microscopy
TER Tunnel electro-resistance
TFET Tunnel field-effect transistor
THz Tera hertz
TMR Tunneling magnetoresistance
tox Dielectric thickness
TTR Time domain thermo reflectance
TVS Transition voltage spectroscopy
UHV Ultra-high vacuum
ULSI Ultra scale integration
UPS Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
v Carrier velocity
VCCPCM Vertical chain cell type phase change memory
VCM Valence change mechanism
VCMA Voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy
Vdd Supply voltage
Vds Drain–source bias
vF Fermi velocity
Vgs Gate voltage
VLSI Very large scale integration
VMR VLSI metallic CNT removal
Vpull-in Pull-in voltage
Vt Threshold voltage
Vth Threshold voltage
W Write
WL Wordline
WS2 Tungsten disulfide
WTA Winner take all
WWL Write word line
XANES X-ray absorption near-edge structure
Δn Excess carrier density
ϕSB Schottky barrier height
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