
In computing principles, an attack is any attempt to destroy, disable, or steal unauthorized system access. It violates the security discipline of the proper usage of the underlying system asset.

There are two categories of attacks:

  • Passive attack
  • Active attack

Passive Attack: With its self-descriptive name, passive attack does not cause any harm to the system with its unauthorized access. As per the shown examples, browsing intrudes an attempt to access other process memories or traverse the message packet in the network. Masquerading is the process of pretending to be an authorized user for unauthorized data or access. Inferencing intrudes the historical records to draw the inferences by running some analysis methods.

Active Attack: This type of attack creates a significant impact on the existing process and so it needs to be addressed thoroughly. The virus program executes the malpractice code from the boot sector of the disk. Worm code impacts the computer network using the security holes. A logic bomb is a piece of code intentionally injected into software to generate a malicious function on a particular condition.

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