Git vs TFS

In general, the Version Control System (VCS) of any development mode is built locally. In an enterprise mode, VCS are broadly categorized into two types, namely, centralized and distributed/decentralized version control systems:

Git and TFS are typical products of two models. After comparing the two models, the functionality differences are presented as follows:

S.No. Git TFS
1 Git is a Distributed Version Control System (DVCS). Changes are distributed between users. TFS is file-system based and not change set-based.
2 By design, creating a branch is extremely quick and cheap, with very little overhead. Creating branches is very expensive on multiple resources.
3 In terms of cost, Git is an open-source product. Microsoft's license product.
4 On changing the file content, Git detects the hash difference and marks the file for check-in. During the check-in process, only the changed content goes up. It is more like a snapshot of the data and its difference. As TFS is based on file-system properties, it is essential to check out a file before it can be committed. If you overwrite that file without checking it out, TFS will not be able to detect a change.
5 If you create 10 branches from a trunk, you are just referencing a snapshot, so the branches take up bytes of data instead of duplicating the data over. Creating 10 branches from production is essentially copying that folder 10 times.
6 Git supports the concept of rebasing or pulling in changes from the trunk or even multiple sources. TFS simply stores its changes as duplicate files on a server; not rebase.
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