Development editors

With the popularity of loads of JavaScript-based frameworks, SPA, and Node.js-based development setups in the web development world, a number of light-weight, cross- platform, and open source editors have become popular with a number of extensions around to help you work in a modern-day infrastructure. With such a scene, these are the top IDEs to consider along with their correct integration options offered by the extensions/plugins:

  • Visual Studio Code
  • GitHub Atom
  • Sublime
  • VIM

However, with the modern PaaS and Backend As A Service (Baas) offerings with tiny microservices models, we now see another set of editors, which are suitable for web development; these editors, themselves, are cloud-based, and run directly out of your browser. In addition to just being an editor, most of them have the ability to directly integrate with Git repositories and cloud-based deployments (with respect to CI and CD) for your app. These are called cloud editors, and the most famous of them include the following:

  • Cloud9 (
  • Codenvy
  • Koding
  • codeanywhere
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