Best practices

Some of the best practices for the CI process, well outlined by Martin Fowler, include the following:

  • Maintaining a (single) source repository
  • Automating of the build process
  • Having a self-testing build / automated testing--Automation also enables test metrics
  • Everyone committing to the baseline everyday--Reduces conflicts, improves frequent communication
  • Every commit to the main baseline should be built
  • Keeping the build fast--Fast building process to provide rapid feedback
  • Fixing the broken builds immediately--This also encourages the fixing of potential bugs before writing new code
  • Testing in a clone of the production environment--More realistic tests
  • Making it easy to get the latest deliverables--Reduce rework in the sense that builds are readily available to stakeholders and testers
  • Maintaining visibility of builds and tests failure(s)--Everyone can see what's happening: Visibility of builds and tests failure(s)
  • Automating deployment (for example Continuous Delivery)
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