26.4MediumBlockAllocator 419
A major improvement is to record the largest block that can be allocated in
Tail structure of the page, along with the bit index of where that block is lo-
cated. Armed with this information, the memory manager can simply keep a table
of page lists, ordered by big block size, so that allocation is always attempted on
a page that is known to have enough space. Thus, no searching is required once a
page is located, and pages can be located very quickly. More details are provided
on this later.
The second wrinkle is that allocation can work with the data as specified, but
we cannot free a block of memory without knowing how many blocks are in each
allocation. And without knowing how long the allocation is, there’s no way to
embed a length variable at the end of each allocation. Most competing memory
managers embed the length variable just before the pointer address in memory,
but we reject that option since it means wasting the first block in any given page
(which would precede any allocation on the page). That’s much too wasteful.
Figure 26.3. This is the memory layout of an MBA page. This particular example is a
16 kB page with 128-byte blocks. All of the management metadata fits within a single
block at the end of the page.
128 bytes/block
Prev Page Next Page
MediumBlockAllocator P
16kB Page
16 byteseach
420 26.AHighlyOptimizedPortableMemoryManager
Instead, we could store a value in an array at the end of the page, similar to how
the free block bit mask is stored, although that is quite expensive as well. Con-
sidering most of the allocations are larger than one block, many of the entries in
this array would be unused at any given time. Even if we stored the length per
block in one byte, it would be far too wasteful!
The solution: store a single bit in a bit mask that identifies whether a block is
at the end of an allocation. The pointer passed in to the
Free() function identi-
fies the start of the block already. Using these two pieces of information, we can
extrapolate the length of an allocation simply by scanning the bit mask forward
looking for a set bit. As a matter of standards, in the code provided, unallocated
blocks have their end-of-allocation bit set to zero, but it won’t ever be checked so
it shouldn’t matter. See Figure 26.3 for a more visual explanation.
Once a page is found, the MBA simply looks up the large block index in the
Tail structure, marks the range of bits as allocated in the free block bit mask,
and clears all the bits except the last one in the end-of-allocation bit mask. This is
enough information to allow the
Free() function to determine the length of the
original allocation given only the pointer address.
Now that the big block in the page has been at least partially allocated, we
have to find the new big block in the page. This entails scanning the free block
bit mask and finding the longest run of set bits, remembering the index and size
of the longest one. Once this is done, it is stored in the
Tail structure in the page
for future use.
The pointer to the allocation is returned to the memory manager. The
memory manager then must grab the big block size from the page and rearrange
that page to a different list based on the size of its big block, so future allocations
do not need to skip over insufficient memory pages.
Once the page manager has identified the page, the MBA begins by scanning the
end-of-allocation bit mask at the end of the page and counting 0 bits until a 1 bit
is found. This marks the end of the allocation and implicitly defines the length of
the allocation. We set the free block bit mask to one for all the blocks between
the start and end of the allocation, and clear the end-of-allocation bit to zero
(though this is not strictly necessary).
Since the memory region that was just released plus any adjacent free blocks
might sum to a larger big block, we update the big block size, just as was done in
26.4MediumBlockAllocator 421
the Alloc() function. Again, the memory manager requests this updated infor-
mation from the page and reorders its internal structures based on the big block
size in this page to optimize the next allocation.
Allocation and deallocation are very fast. The act of taking possession of the re-
quested memory once a page is found is simply a few pointer additions and a
couple of memory dereferences. Setting a few bits in the free block bit mask is a
relatively quick
n operation when using 32-bit bitset operations, where n is
the number of blocks that the allocation spans.
Free() performs the same opera-
tions as
Alloc(), except that it reads bits from the free block bit mask rather than
sets them. However, searching for the big block takes
32m memory accesses,
where m is the number of blocks in the page. Since m is a constant for a given
page and block size, technically both of these analyses are bound by a constant
time (
1O ), meaning the number of cycles that is required can be computed at
compile time. Practically speaking, it is very fast, requiring only one L1 cache
line to be loaded if page and block sizes are carefully chosen for your architec-
Here’s a specific example: given a 16-kB page with 128 bytes per block,
there are 127 allocatable blocks per page plus one reserved block for the
structure. This is 127 bits for the bit mask, which fits in only four 32-bit words. A
good target is to make all MBA pages at least two times larger than the maxi-
mum medium block allocation size to improve memory performance when allo-
cating close to the maximum. In the worst case, a single allocation might be half
the size of a page, thus writing 64 bits, 32 bits at a time. The first load causes a
delay as a cache line is flushed and another is pulled into the L2 and L1 caches,
but the second load takes only one or two cycles on typical hardware.
The MBA scheme is almost as efficient as the SBA approach, given that the
memory requirements are very similar with an extra bit mask and a couple more
words stored in the
Tail structure. For any page, the Tail structure is 20 bytes in
size. There is a fixed amount of overhead for the two bit masks, which is two bits
per block, aligned and rounded up to the next 32-bit word. For a 16-kB page
with 128 bytes per block, this is 32 bytes for bit masks. Management overhead
for this example is under three bits per block, but since allocations tend to span
many blocks, this could add up. The largest reasonable allocation in this example
page size would be 8 kB (half the page size), which covers 64 blocks. At two bits
422 26.AHighlyOptimizedPortableMemoryManager
per block, this worst-case allocation overhead is 16 bytes. dlmalloc appears to
have 16 bytes of overhead per allocation, regardless of its size, and those bytes
are spread out in memory causing random cache misses. In our system, the cache
lines involved in storing memory management metadata are far more likely to be
accessed again in the future.
There are many techniques for making memory management faster, but none so
easy as handling a few large allocations. In general, dealing with a few large al-
locations is the simplest of all possible cases and, thus, is really not worth putting
effort into. For this, feel free to substitute any allocation strategy that is suitably
efficient. dlmalloc can be configured to have an
mspace heap constrained within
the address range from which your large blocks are allocated. This is quite suffi-
If you plan to write your own LBA, a simple linked list of free blocks and a
separate linked list of allocated blocks would work fine. Best-fit strategies tend to
fragment more over time, but if your memory use tends to be generational (e.g.,
many allocations have matching lifetimes and are freed at the same time), almost
any method works fine. For very specific cases, you might explicitly carve out
memory for all large allocations or even use a simple stack allocator, where the
entire heap is reset with a single pointer being reset to the top of the stack. Use
what makes sense for your team and project.
The one point that should be made is that the system should have some way
of deciding whether a pointer is an LBA pointer or whether it belongs to the SBA
or MBA. The simplest way is to check the SBA and MBA first, although this
may become a performance problem if those operations are slow. Alternatively,
keeping a map, a hash table, or even a simple array of allocations may be fine.
There shouldn’t be too many large allocations, and unless your project allocates
and deallocates them frequently, any slowdown here is acceptable.
One of the early performance bottlenecks of our system was the handling and
searching of pages inside the memory manager. Once each allocation strategy is
fast inside a single page, it is all the more critical to make sure the memory man-
ager itself can quickly figure out from what page to allocate memory. Finding the
right page to free memory from is really an operation that is performed by the
26.6PageManagementintheMemoryManager 423
OSAPI because it may have special knowledge of determining that based on the
page handling implementation.
Page management for small block pages is relatively straightforward. Since each
page has a specific block size that it can allocate, the memory manager simply
keeps two tables of linked lists of pages. One table contains pages that have abso-
lutely no free space in them (and are thus useless when trying to allocate
memory). The other table contains pages that have at least one free block availa-
ble. As shown in Figure 26.4, each list contains pages that have equal block sizes,
so whenever a page fills up, it can be moved to the full table, and the next page in
the available list will service the next request. Any time a block is freed from a
page in the full list, that page is moved back to the available list for that block
size. Because of this, no searching for an allocation is ever required!
It should be noted that the current implementation of the page management
feature for SBA always requires allocations be as tightly fitting as possible. As a
result, any time there are no pages of exactly the correct block size, a new page
must be allocated for that block size and added to the available list. In low-
memory conditions, however, this could cause an early failure to allocate because
larger block sizes might be available but not considered for allocation. You may
wish to implement this as a fallback in case of page allocation failure to extend
the life of your game in the event of memory exhaustion. Alternatively, you
might always return a piece of memory that is already in an available page rather
than allocating a new page when a block size runs out of pages, which may help
utilize memory more effectively (although it is quite wasteful) because it will
Figure 26.4. The SBA always allocates a single sized object from each list of pages. So
to prevent searching, full pages are removed from the list from which we allocate.
16 bytes
24 bytes
32 bytes
40 bytes
48 bytes
56 bytes
16 bytes
24 bytes
32 bytes
40 bytes
48 bytes
56 bytes
geswithBlocks Available Full
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