Jason Hughes
Steel Penny Games, Inc.
Console development has never been harder. The clock speeds of processors
keep getting higher, the number of processors is increasing, the number of
megabytes of memory available is staggering, even the storage size of optical
media has ballooned to over 30 GB. Doesn’t that make development easier, you
ask? Well, there’s a catch. Transfer rates from optical media have not improved
one bit and are stuck in the dark ages at 8 to 9 MB/s. That means that in the best
possible case of a single contiguous read request, it still takes almost a full
minute to fill 512 MB of memory. Even with an optimistic 60% compression,
that’s around 20 seconds.
As long as 20 seconds sounds, it is hard to achieve without careful planning.
Most engines, particularly PC engines ported to consoles, tend to have the
following issues that hurt loading performance even further:
Inter- or intra-file disk seeks can take as much as 1/20th of a second.
Time is spent on the CPU processing assets synchronously after loading each
chunk of data.
There are many ways to address these problems. One popular old-school way to
improve the disk seeks between files is to log out all the file requests and
rearrange the file layout on the final media so that seeks are always forward on
the disk. CD-ROM and DVD drives typically perform seeks forward more
quickly than backward, so this is a solution that only partially addresses the heart
344 20.PointerPatchingAssets
of the problem and does nothing to handle the time wasted processing the data
after each load occurs. In fact, loading individual files encourages a single-
threaded mentality that not only hurts performance but does not scale well with
modern multithreaded development.
The next iteration is to combine all the files into a giant metafile for a level,
retaining a familiar file access interface, like the
FILE type, fopen() function,
and so on, but adding a large read-ahead buffer. This helps cut down further on
the bandwidth stalls, but again, suffers from a single-threaded mentality when
processing data, particularly when certain files contain other filenames that need
to be queued up for reading. This spider web of dependencies exacerbates the
optimization of file I/O.
The next iteration in a system like this is to make it multithreaded. This
basically requires some accounting mechanism using threads and callbacks. In
this system, the order of operations cannot be assured because threads may be
executed in any order, and some data processing occurs faster for some items
than others. While this does indeed allow for continuous streaming in parallel
with the loaded data initialization, it also requires a far more complicated scheme
of accounting for objects that have been created but are not yet “live” in the game
because they depend on other objects that are not yet live. In the end, there is a
single object called a level that has explicit dependencies on all the subelements,
and they on their subelements, recursively, which is allowed to become live only
after everything is loaded and initialized. This undertaking requires clever
management of reference counts, completion callbacks, initialization threads, and
a lot of implicit dependencies that have to be turned into explicit dependencies.
We’ve written all of the above solutions, and shipped multiple games with each,
but cannot in good faith recommend any of them. In our opinion, they are
bandages on top of a deeper-rooted architectural problem, one that is rooted in a
failure to practice a clean separation between what is run-time code and what is
tools code.
How do we get into these situations? Usually, the first thing that happens on
a project, especially when an engine is developed on the PC with a fast hard disk
drive holding files, is that data needs to be loaded into memory. The fastest and
easiest way to do that is to open a file and read it. Before long, all levels of the
engine are doing so, directly accessing files as they see fit. Porting the engine to a
console then requires writing wrappers for the file system and redirecting the
calls to the provided file I/O system. Performance is poor, but it’s working. Later,
20.1Introduction 345
some sad optimization engineer is tasked with getting the load times down from
six minutes to the industry standard 20 seconds. He’s faced with two choices:
1. Track down and rewrite all of the places in the entire engine and game where
file access is taking place, and implement something custom and appropriate
for each asset type. This involves making changes to the offline tools
pipeline, outputting data in a completely different way, and sometimes
grafting existing run-time code out of the engine and into tools. Then, deal
with the inevitable ream of bugs introduced at apparently random places in
code that has been working for months or years.
2. Make the existing file access system run faster.
Oh, and one more thing—his manager says there are six weeks left before the
game ships. There’s no question it’s too late to pick choice #1, so the intrepid
engineer begins the journey down the road that leads to the Bad Solution. The
game ships, but the engine’s asset-loading pipeline is forever in a state of
maintenance as new data files make their way into the system.
The technique that top studios use to get the most out of their streaming
performance is to use pointer patching of assets. The core concept is simple.
Many blocks of data that are read from many separate files end up in adjacent
memory at run time, frequently in exactly the same order, and often with pointers
to each other. Simply move this to an offline process where these chunks of
memory are loaded into memory and baked out as a single large file. This has
multiple benefits, particularly that the removal of all disk seeks that are normally
paid for at run time are now moved to a tools process, and that as much data as
possible is preprocessed so that there is extremely minimal operations required to
use the data once it’s in memory. This is as much a philosophical adjustment for
studios as it is a mechanical one.
Unfortunately, pointer patching of assets is relatively hard to retrofit into existing
engines. The tools pipeline must be written to support outputting data in this
format. The run time code must be changed to expect data in this format,
generally implying the removal of a lot of initialization code, but more often than
not, it requires breaking explicit dependencies on loading other files directly
during construction and converting that to a tools-side procedure. This sort of
346 20.PointerPatchingAssets
dynamic loading scheme tends to map cleanly onto run-time lookup of symbolic
pointers, for example. In essence, it requires detangling assets from their disk
access entirely and relegating that chore to a handful of higher-level systems.
If you’re considering retrofitting an existing engine, follow the 80/20 rule. If
20 percent of the assets take up 80 percent of the load time, concentrate on those
first. Generally, these should be textures, meshes, and certain other large assets
that engines tend to manipulate directly. However, some highly-processed data
sets may prove fruitful to convert as well. State machines, graphs, and trees tend
to have a lot of pointers and a lot of small allocations, all of which can be done
offline to dramatically improve initialization performance when moved to a
pointer patching pipeline.
The basic offline tools process is the following:
1. Load run-time data into memory as it is represented during run time.
2. Use a special serialization interface to dump each structure to the pointer
patching system, which carefully notes the locations of all pointers.
3. When a coherent set of data relating to an asset has been dumped, finalize the
asset. Coherent means there are no unresolved external dependencies.
Finalization is the only complicated part of the system, and it comprises the
following steps:
(a) Concatenate all the structures into a single contiguous block of memory,
remembering the location to which each structure was relocated.
(b) Iterate through all the pointers in each relocated structure and convert the
raw addresses stored into offsets into the concatenated block. See
Figure 20.1 for an example of how relative offsets are used as relocatable
pointers. Any pointers that cannot be resolved within the block are
indications that the serialized data structure is not coherent.
(c) Append a table of pointer locations within the block that will need to be
fixed up after the load has completed.
(d) Append a table of name/value pairs that allows the run-time code to
locate the important starting points of structures.
4. Write out the block to disk for run-time consumption.
20.2OverviewoftheTechnique 347
Figure 20.1. This shows all the flavors of pointers stored in a block of data on disk.
Forward pointers are relative to the pointer’s address and have positive values. Backward
pointers are relative to the pointer’s address and have negative values. Null pointers store
a zero offset, which is a special case when patched and is left zero.
There are many ways to get from the above description to actual working code.
We’ve implemented this three different ways over the years and each approach
has had different drawbacks and features. The implementation details of the
following are left as an exercise to the reader, but here are some high-level
properties that should be considered as part of your design when creating your
own pointer patching asset system:
Relocatable assets. If you can patch pointers, you can unpatch them as well.
This affords you the ability to defragment memory, among other things—the
holy grail of memory stability.
General compression. This reduces load times dramatically and should be
supported generically.
Custom compression for certain structures. A couple of obvious candidates
are triangle list compression and swizzled JPEG compression for textures.
There are two key points to consider here. First, perform custom compression
before general compression for maximum benefit and simplest
implementation. This is also necessary because custom compression (like
JPEG/DCT for images) is often lossy and general compression (such as LZ77
with Huffman or arithmetic encoding) is not. Second, perform in-place
decompression, which requires the custom compressed region to take the
same total amount of space, only backfilled with zeros that compress very
well in the general pass. You won’t want to be moving memory around
during the decompression phase, especially if you want to kick off the
decompressor functions into separate jobs/threads.
Offline block linking. It is very useful to be able to handle assets generically
and even combine them with other assets to form level-specific packages,
without having to reprocess the source data to produce the pointer patched
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