
Social engineers are good at baiting their targets. They are effective at finding something to dangle their targets on. They find something that the targets want and will readily take bait for. It is a common attack method on peer-to-peer sites especially where people download pirated content. Behind the illegally downloaded copyrighted content is malware that infects user's machines without them ever noticing. In 2015, it was estimated that 12 million computers were being infected per month by malware. Torrents have been a common way of downloading premium content and programs for free, thus infringing rights covering property such as movies, games, and programs. It is estimated that of the approximately 1,000 torrent sites, a third will have malware being downloaded by oblivious users. Files that have malware are those in high demand. There have been reports that when EA Sports releases a new version of FIFA, hackers flood torrent sites with fake download links whereby users end up downloading gigabytes of malware to their computers. Files that have heavy search traffic are commonly used and baited with malware since attackers know that there will be people trying to download them. Some of this malware is used to steal data from the computers, while others open up a backend connection allowing hackers to download more malware to the victim's computers. The victims data can be sold on the black market and their computer can be enlisted in botnet armies. From this type of attack, it is said that cybercriminals earn over $70million from their victims annually.

Torrent websites infect 12 million users a month with malware, by C. OsborneZDNet, 2018 available at [Accessed on March 16, 2018].
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