
These methods disregard the use of any technological means to collect data. They may be more tiresome but they are most likely to find more accurate data about the target.  The non-technical methods are discussed as follows:

  • Dumpster diving: This involves going through the paper waste of a target to find out valuable information that may have been disposed of. Even with paper shredders, humans are still lazy enough to carelessly throw away some valuable data that attackers may find by dumpster diving.
  • Physically tailing a target: This gives the attacker information about the target's routines, schedules, likes, dislikes, and so on. The end game involves approaching the target with some questions and then presenting offers that they cannot refuse. With this, a social engineer can potentially get a ton of information and access to restricted places. The rationalization of a target, once figured out, can be abused to get a lot more. Non-technical methods are, however, being phased out and today most information gathering is done through technical methods:
Social media websites are gold mines for many social engineers
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