
In response to the problem raised at the beginning, this chapter summarized the creation of automated function tests inside Test Studio. We have seen how to create a stepwise test using the record and playback feature. Once the steps became ready, Test Studio's quick tasks feature was tackled to firstly insert verification on the UI elements properties at key points inside the test. Test Studio offers handy features accessible from the elements menu, out of which we have just mentioned quick tasks and used some others throughout the chapter such as adding elements to the repository, building advanced verifications, and viewing the DOM hierarchy.

In order to endow the tests with some logical reasoning, constructs such as if statements and loops were used to control the execution of the tests based on suitable conditions. In case where more advanced logic was necessary, direct calls to the test framework library were inserted among the steps in order to implement more complex scenarios.

This chapter has also introduced the keyword-driven architecture and implemented a test which randomly calls major functionalities available in File Comparer.

The next step in automation was to verify the validity of the automated tests. Hence, the developed scripts were executed where afterwards the resulting built-in log was examined. As it is the case in real life, some of the steps succeed and others fail. Troubleshooting the failures is essential in identifying the root cause problem. Identification and resolution of a problem is guided in Test Studio, thanks to some integrated helpful features contained in the step failure details window.

All of the preceding information was part of the standalone version of Test Studio. The last section of this chapter covers, the Visual Studio plug-in edition, which offers the same automation features in addition to an extremely helpful functionality. This functionality is the ability to instantly convert all recorded steps into an equivalent code based on several test frameworks.

The next chapter will extend on this knowledge to demonstrate how to create data-driven tests and bind their input and verification steps to various data sources.

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