
This chapter has walked us through the design and implementation of load testing plan, as well as performance metric gathering, which we have achieved entirely with Test Studio features.

Afterwards, we have seen how to configure the various load services for Test Studio in order to set up the correct environment for our load tests to run. The Controller, Reporter, and Load Agent services were discussed in detail.

The chapter also demonstrated in detail the plan that is going to be applied to the application under test, which was used in the previous chapter, BugNet. The plan has covered estimates related to projected number of users and types of activities. With these elements, we have built the workloads for the users.

With the theoretical information ready, the chapter then proceeded by actually exhibiting all the load testing features inside Test Studio. It has gone through the steps for configuring Test Studio properties for a load test. The steps consisted of firstly setting up the environment on the load test level, which comprises Load Agents, Controllers, and Reporters. Secondly, we designed the user profiles, which are reflected in creating user activities along with their associated percentage in contributing to the overall activity load. Thirdly, also in designing, we saw how user settings are tuned to simulate real-life usage of the system by the virtual users. Fourthly, we saw how to run the test, which required performing a few steps before actually initiating the test execution and were related to sampling intervals and determining goals.

Lastly, we have seen analysis and reporting in Test Studio by plotting test performance metrics and performance counters for one or multiple test executions for the same load test. The very last section of the chapter explores the database created and continuously updated by the Test Studio Reporter for each run.

In addition, the functional and nonfunctional testing was addressed, where we had applied them on two types of application technologies: WPF and ASP.NET. The next chapter deals with the latest trend, mobile development. As with any other programmed application, this too needs testing. Test Studio can be helpful here too, as we will see when we demonstrate how it can be used to test your iOS application.

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