Configuring NSX Manager

Now that we have deployed NSX Manager and taken a quick overview of it, let's go ahead and configure this manager with our vCenter server:

  1. Once you are logged into NSX Manager, click on Manage. Under the Components section, click on NSX Management Service:
  1. Under the vCenter Server section click Edit. You will see the following screen:
  1. Enter your vCenter Server FQDN and a vCenter User Name and Password. Click OK when done.
It is a best practice to create a custom user for NSX Manager. You have roles built in such as Enterprise administrator, NSX administrator, and Security administrator.
  1. Accept the SSL certificate by clicking Yes:
  1. Once connected you will see a Connected status:
  1. To use SSO on NSX Manager you should have the SSO service installed on the vCenter. Click on Edit in the Lookup Service section and fill out your SSO service credentials. Accept the SSL certificate prompts:
  1. Once connected you will see the status update as follows:
  1. We have now configured our NSX Manager with a vCenter server.
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