Job:08-20331/20788/21373 Title:RP-Logo Lounge 6
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020-031_21373.indd 31 9/23/10 9:18 AM
826 Valencia sells a range of pirate products, also designed by Office, whose sales help support the nonprofit organization.
(Photographer: Vanessa Chu.)
Sketches from Office’s development of the Valencia 826 logo. It
was very important to the success of the design that the logo look
hand drawn and not computer rendered.
This cast of characters were designed especially to be tough but
not scary, and quirky but not cute.
Job:08-20331/20788/21373 Title:RP-Logo Lounge 6
#175 Dtp:223 Page:31
020-031_21373.indd 31 9/23/10 9:15 AM
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