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Job:08-20331/20788 Title:RP-Logo Lounge 6
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I think the craft of logo design is as close to brain surgery as
designers ever come. If there is an aspect of design that tests
the complete skill set and the foundation of knowledge for the
designer, this is it. Brevity is the soul of a great logo. Anyone can
ultimately define a concept if they are given an unlimited number
of words with which to do so. Carving out a succinct solution in
three strokes of the pen is a different feat altogether.
Think about the value any entity must place on their logo. Imagine
the lifting this icon is responsible for. Yet if it is successful, it must
convey a wealth of emotion and information in the blink of an eye.
It is true that a mark becomes imbued with greater meaning over a
period of time, but only if the designer can engage the audience. I
believe great identity designers have developed an innate ability
to sense when a mark is perfected. Something in your heart tells
you an image is right. You know when there is 5 percent too little
detail or 15 percent too much. You can tell if a concept is buried
too deep or when it waits appropriately just beneath the surface,
ready to unveil itself in an ah-ha moment
How a designer reaches that level of expertise is a unique path for
each. I recall illustrator Tim Biskup sharing a story that a mentor
in his early career told him: “Every artist has 10,000 bad draw-
ings inside of them; the secret is to get them out early so you can
move on to the good ones.” It’s a sly way of suggesting that no
one reaches perfection without a tremendous amount of practice.
This is equally true with logo design; there is a corollary here.
Great identity designers have taken the time to mentally dissect
thousands of logos to understand why they are exceptional and
how they work.
The 2,000 highly organized logos in this book were selected from
more than 35,000 submissions made since the last selection pro-
cess for LogoLounge 5. This is a monumental collection, and it
attests to the stamina of the panel of eight astonishingly talented
judges who were faced with the daunting task of selecting only
the very best.
Members of LogoLounge.com can see all of this work—in fact, you
may view every logo submitted to past, present, or future books
by joining LogoLounge.com. Additionally, members receive unlim-
ited uploads of their own logos for possible inclusion in future
books. At the time of this writing, LogoLounge has a database of
nearly 135,000 logos, contributed by members from more than 100
countries around the world. Each of these logos is searchable by
keyword, industry, designer, date, client, and style.
This book is more than a showcase for the most exceptional logos
of our times. It is also an opportunity for designers to discover how
common and how diverse the identity design process is across the
globe. Dozens of logo case studies create a chance for the reader
to empathize with others in their design trials and the opportunity
to stand on their shoulders from the lessons learned.
Travel through the backstory and the boardroom as designers
weave through challenging obstacles to create visual identities
for the likes of television networks, art galleries, banks, retail
stores, and restaurants. Note the diversity of approaches as these
projects are tackled by the largest multinational brand firms and
the smallest design studios. Experience the process through the
eyes of world’s leading typographic designers and also through
the minds of today’s most celebrated conceptual design theo-
rists. From the purist to the renegade designer, these stories will
provide you with incredible insight and tools you will welcome
and embrace.
Among the exceptional logos organized in this book, there are
sure to be a few one-hit wonders. At the same time, you may
be confident that many of the works are from certifiable mas-
ters of the craft. However, one of the most amazing aspects of
any LogoLounge book is the guarantee that somewhere in these
pages, whether it’s evident yet or not, resides the early work of
the next generation of identity geniuses.
—Bill Gardner
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