Chapter 18. Inputting and Outputting Data with Labels, Text Fields, and Combo Boxes

Radio buttons, check boxes, and pop-up buttons let the user choose from a fixed list of choices. However, many times a program may need to request data that won't fit easily into a limited number of choices, such as asking for the user's name.

To accept data, a program needs to let the user type in data. To display data, a program can use a text field or a label. A label basically can display only text, but a text field can display text or allow the user to type in text. With a text field, users can type in any type of data such as text or numbers.

For even greater flexibility, you can use a combo box, which lets the user type in data or select from a list of choices, just like a pop-up button. By using a text field, label, or combo box, your user interface can display information and accept data to use.

Using Labels

A label serves two purposes. First, it can display static information to the user, such as listing short instructions explaining the purpose of other user interface objects. For example, if your program displays a text field, the user may have no idea what type of information your program expects to receive in that text field. However, if you put a label next to that text field and display the word "Name" in that label, it becomes clear what type of information the user needs to type into that text field.

Labels can also be used to display information to the user, such as a warning. For example, if the user types in an incorrect password, a label can display a message telling the user what happened. When you need to display static or changing information, you can use a label.

Adding a Label to Your User Interface

A label is useful for displaying text on the user interface, such as instructions to the user or brief descriptions of what other controls might do, such as a label that identifies a slider for adjusting the volume. To create a label, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the .xib user interface file that contains the window to which you want to add a label. Interface Builder appears.

  2. Choose Tools

    Adding a Label to Your User Interface
  3. Scroll through the Object Library and look for the Label object, as shown in Figure 18-1.

    The Label object in the Object Library

    Figure 18-1. The Label object in the Object Library

  4. Drag the Label object from the Object Library and drop it on your user interface.

Editing Text on a Label

When you first place a label on the user interface, it displays the generic text Label, which probably isn't what you want. To display custom text in a label, you have three options:

  • Double-click the label and type or edit text

  • Click the label, choose Tools

    Editing Text on a Label
  • Assign a string to the label's stringValue property using Objective-C code:

    labelStatic.stringValue = @"Type a name:";

The first two options let you modify a Label's text at design time when you're creating your program, but the text remains static once your program runs. The last option that uses Objective-C code to change a label's text lets you change the label's text while your program is running, which lets you create dynamic text that can change based on the user's actions.

To see how to use a label to display static text and dynamic text, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MyTest program that you modified in Chapter 17.

  2. Double-click the MainMenu.xib file stored in the Resources folder. Interface Builder appears and displays your user interface window.

  3. Click any items currently displayed on the user interface and press Delete to remove them.

  4. Add two Label objects, one Text Field object, and one Push Button object so that your user interface looks like Figure 18-2.

    The design of a simple user interface with two labels, a push button, and a text field

    Figure 18-2. The design of a simple user interface with two labels, a push button, and a text field

  5. Resize both labels so they are at least 125 in width. To resize a label, click on it so handles appear and drag a handle to the left or right.

  6. Choose File

    The design of a simple user interface with two labels, a push button, and a text field
  7. Click the MyTestAppDelegate.h file and modify the code as follows:

    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface MyTestAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
        NSWindow *window;
        NSTextField *labelStatic;
        NSTextField *labelDynamic;
        NSTextField *textInput;
    @property (retain) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
    @property (retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *labelStatic;
    @property (retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *labelDynamic;
    @property (retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *textInput;
  8. Choose File

    The design of a simple user interface with two labels, a push button, and a text field
  9. Click the MyTestAppDelegate.m file and modify the code as follows:

    #import "MyTestAppDelegate.h"
    @implementation MyTestAppDelegate
    @synthesize window;
    @synthesize labelStatic;
    @synthesize labelDynamic;
    @synthesize textInput;
    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
        // Insert code here to initialize your application
        labelStatic.stringValue = @"Type a name:";
    - (void)dealloc {
        [window release];
        [super dealloc];
        NSMutableString *greeting;
        greeting = [NSMutableString stringWithString: @"Hello, "];
        [greeting appendString: textInput.stringValue];
        labelDynamic.stringValue = greeting;
  10. Choose File

    The design of a simple user interface with two labels, a push button, and a text field
  11. Double-click the MainMenu.xib file stored in the Resources folder. Interface Builder appears and displays your user interface window.

  12. Right-click the My Test App Delegate icon. A heads-up window appears.

  13. Move the mouse pointer over the circle that appears to the right of labelDynamic, which appears under the Outlets heading. Click and drag the mouse pointer over the label on your user interface and release the mouse button to connect the label to the labelDynamic property, as shown in Figure 18-3.

    Dragging and dropping connects the labelDynamic IBOutlet to your label on the user interface.

    Figure 18-3. Dragging and dropping connects the labelDynamic IBOutlet to your label on the user interface.


    As an alternative to step 13, you can right-click the label on the user interface to display a heads-up window. Then click and drag the circle to the right of New Referencing Outlet under the Referencing Outlets category and drop it over the class file icon that contains the IBOutlet you want to use.

  14. Move the mouse pointer over the circle that appears to the right of labelStatic, which appears under the Outlets heading. Click and drag the mouse pointer over the label on your user interface and release the mouse button to connect the label to the labelStatic property, as shown in Figure 18-4.

    Dragging and dropping connects the labelStatic IBOutlet to your label on the user interface.

    Figure 18-4. Dragging and dropping connects the labelStatic IBOutlet to your label on the user interface.

  15. Move the mouse pointer over the circle that appears to the right of labelTextInput, which appears under the Outlets heading. Click and drag the mouse pointer over the text field on your user interface and release the mouse button to connect the text field to the LabeltextInput property, as shown in Figure 18-5.

    Dragging and dropping connects the LabeltextInput IBOutlet to your text field on the user interface.

    Figure 18-5. Dragging and dropping connects the LabeltextInput IBOutlet to your text field on the user interface.

  16. Move the mouse pointer over the circle that appears to the right of displayMessage, which appears under the Received Actions heading. Click and drag the mouse pointer over the push button on your user interface and release the mouse button to connect the push button to the displayMessage method, as shown in Figure 18-6.

    Dragging and dropping connects the displayMessage method to your push button on the user interface.

    Figure 18-6. Dragging and dropping connects the displayMessage method to your push button on the user interface.

  17. Choose File

    Dragging and dropping connects the displayMessage method to your push button on the user interface.
  18. Switch to Xcode and click the Build and Run button or choose Build

    Dragging and dropping connects the displayMessage method to your push button on the user interface.
  19. Click in the text field and type a name, such as Joe or Mary.

  20. Click the push button. The label underneath displays the message with the name you typed into the text field, such as "Hello, Joe."

  21. Quit your program by choosing MyTest

    Dragging and dropping connects the displayMessage method to your push button on the user interface.

Although the program you just created is fairly simple, it demonstrates how to change a label's text using by using Objective-C code and the label's stringValue property. To change a label's text with Objective-C code, you also need to connect your label objects to variables.

Changing a label's text using Objective-C code isn't as straightforward as changing a label's text when you're designing your user interface, but using Objective-C lets you create dynamic text that changes based on the user's actions.

Using Text Fields

A text field can display text or let the user type in new text. As a result, a text field can get data from the user and display information for the user to see and edit, which isn't possible with a label. If you just need to display information, use a label. If you need to accept data and allow editing, use a text field.

Adding a Text Field to Your User Interface

To create a text field on your user interface, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the .xib user interface file that contains the window to which you want to add a text field. Interface Builder appears.

  2. Choose Tools

    Adding a Text Field to Your User Interface
  3. Scroll through the Object Library and look for the Text Field object, as shown in Figure 18-7.

    The Text Field object in the Object Library

    Figure 18-7. The Text Field object in the Object Library

  4. Drag the Text Field object from the Object Library and drop it on your user interface.

Editing Text in a Text Field

When you first place a text field on the user interface, it will be empty. To display custom text in a text field, you have three options:

  • Double-click the text field and type or edit text

  • Click the text field, choose Tools

    Editing Text in a Text Field
  • Assign a string to the text field's stringValue property using Objective-C code

When creating a text field on a user interface, you can customize two types of text in the text field. First, you can type text into the Title field, which displays text that the user can then edit or delete. Second, you can define something called placeholder text in the Placeholder field, as shown in Figure 18-8.

The Placeholder field in the Object Attributes window

Figure 18-8. The Placeholder field in the Object Attributes window

Any text that you type in the Placeholder field appears inside your text field faintly dimmed when the text field is empty. The purpose of such placeholder text is to provide a brief description or instruction to help a user understand what to type inside a particular text field.

For example, if you wanted a user to type a name into a text field, you could type First Name in the Placeholder field. This text will appear dimmed in the text field, as shown in Figure 18-9, but as soon as the user clicks in that text field, the placeholder text completely vanishes.

Placeholder text appears dimmed inside a text field.

Figure 18-9. Placeholder text appears dimmed inside a text field.

Retrieving Data from a Text Field

Part of the usefulness of a text field is that it allows someone to type something into the text field that your program can then retrieve. To enable your program to retrieve the data a user types into a text field, you need to declare an NSTextField variable, which is what holds the data displayed or typed into a text field. Declaring an NSTextField variable in the header (.h) file might look like this:

@interface UITestAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
    NSWindow *window;
    NSTextField *textInput;

@property (retain) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
@property (retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *textInput;

After creating a variable to represent the NSTextField, you need to use the @synthesize command in the implementation (.m) file:

@synthesize textInput;

Finally, you need to connect the textInput variable to your actual text field on your user interface window. Now when the user types something in the text field, that data will get stored in the textInput variable, which you can retrieve through the stringValue property:


Using Combo Boxes

With a text field, users have the option of typing in new data. However, what if you want to give users the option of either typing in data or selecting from a list of choices? You could use a text field along with a bunch of radio buttons or a single pop-up button. As a simpler solution, you can use a combo box, which combines the features of a text field and a pop-up button in a single object.

Adding a Combo Box to Your User Interface

To create a combo box on your user interface, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the .xib user interface file that contains the window to which you want to add a combo box. Interface Builder appears.

  2. Choose Tools

    Adding a Combo Box to Your User Interface
  3. Scroll through the Object Library and look for the Combo Box object, as shown in Figure 18-10.

    The Combo Box object in the Object Library

    Figure 18-10. The Combo Box object in the Object Library

  4. Drag the Combo Box object from the Object Library and drop it on your user interface.

Now that the combo box is in place, you can create a list for it.

Creating a List for a Combo Box

A combo box, like a pop-up button, can store multiple choices that the user can view and select. To fill a combo box with choices, you just need to use the addItemsWithObjectValues method:

NSString *object1 = @"Electric trains";
    NSString *object2 = @"Bicycles";
    NSString *object3 = @"Video games";
    NSString *object4 = @"Skateboards";
    NSMutableArray *myArray;
    myArray= [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: object1, object2, object3, object4, nil];

    [myCombo addItemsWithObjectValues: myArray];

The first four lines simply define four different string objects. The fifth line declares myArray as an NSMutableArray. Then the next line stuffs the four string objects into myArray.

The last line assumes that you have created a myCombo variable to represent the NSComboBox. This last line uses the addItemsWithObjectValues method to store the myArray list in the myCombo variable.


After storing data into a variable, the final step to make this data appear in a combo box is to connect the myCombo variable to the actual combo box on your user interface.

Retrieving a Value from a Combo Box

Whether the user types in data or selects from a combo box's list of choices, you can retrieve that data through the combo box's stringValue property. A combo box is an object created from the NSComboBox class. However, the portion of the combo box that holds the data typed in or selected is the NSComboBoxCell class, which is derived from the NSTextField class.

To retrieve data from a combo box, you must first declare an IBOutlet variable as an NSComboBox in a header (.h) file:

@interface MyTestAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
    NSWindow *window;
    NSComboBox *myCombo;

@property (retain) IBOutlet NSComboBox *myCombo;

Next, in the implementation (.m) file, you need to use the @synthesize command:

@synthesize myCombo;

Finally, you need to connect the variable (myCombo) to your actual combo box on the user interface. Now whatever value appears in the combo box will get stored in the myCombo stringValue property.

To see how to fill a combo box with data and retrieve the user's selection (or typed in data), follow these steps:

  1. Open the MyTest program that you modified in the previous section.

  2. Double-click the MainMenu.xib file stored in the Resources folder. Interface Builder appears and displays your user interface window.

  3. Click any items currently displayed on the user interface and press Delete to remove them.

  4. Drag and drop one Combo Box object on your user interface window.

  5. Click the MyTestAppDelegate.h file stored in the Classes folder and modify the code as follows:

    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    @interface MyTestAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
        NSWindow *window;
        NSComboBox *myCombo;
    @property (retain) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
    @property (retain) IBOutlet NSComboBox *myCombo;
  6. Choose File

    Retrieving a Value from a Combo Box
  7. Click the MyTestAppDelegate.m file stored in the Classes folder and modify the code as follows:

    #import "MyTestAppDelegate.h"
    @implementation MyTestAppDelegate
    @synthesize window;
    @synthesize myCombo;
    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
        // Insert code here to initialize your application
        NSString *object1 = @"Electric trains";
        NSString *object2 = @"Bicycles";
        NSString *object3 = @"Video games";
        NSString *object4 = @"Skateboards";
        NSMutableArray *myArray;
        myArray= [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: object1, object2, object3, object4, nil];
    [myCombo addItemsWithObjectValues: myArray];
    - (void)dealloc {
        [myCombo release];
        [window release];
        [super dealloc];
         NSLog (@"Selected item = %@", myCombo.stringValue);
  8. Choose File

    Retrieving a Value from a Combo Box
  9. Double-click the MainMenu.xib file stored in the Resources folder. Interface Builder appears and displays your user interface window.

  10. Right-click the My Test App Delegate icon. A heads-up window appears.

  11. Click the circle that appears to the right of myCombo under the Outlets heading and drag and drop it over the combo box on the user interface, as shown in Figure 18-11.

    Connecting the myCombo IBOutlet variable to the combo box on the user interface

    Figure 18-11. Connecting the myCombo IBOutlet variable to the combo box on the user interface

  12. Connect displayMessage (under Received Actions) to the combo box on the user interface.

  13. Choose File

    Connecting the myCombo IBOutlet variable to the combo box on the user interface
  14. Switch to Xcode and click the Build and Run button or choose Build

    Connecting the myCombo IBOutlet variable to the combo box on the user interface
  15. Click the combo box and select an option such as Electric trains.

  16. Click the combo box a second time and type some text, such as Teddy bear, and press Return.

  17. Quit your program by choosing MyTest

    Connecting the myCombo IBOutlet variable to the combo box on the user interface
  18. Choose Run

    Connecting the myCombo IBOutlet variable to the combo box on the user interface
    2010-09-22 14:22:44.802 UITest[4027:a0f] Selected item = Electric trains
    2010-09-22 14:22:53.758 UITest[4027:a0f] Selected item = Teddy bear

This program shows how to retrieve data from a combo box whether the user selects a choice from the combo box's menu or types in new data. By giving users the ability to select a choice from a pull-down menu or type something else instead, a combo box combines the flexibility of a text field with a pop-up button's list of fixed choices in a menu.

Wrapping Labels and Text Fields

Text fields and labels typically display a single line of text. If you want to display multiple lines, you need to use a Wrapping Label object or Wrapping Text Field object, either of which lets you resize its height to handle multiple lines of text. The Wrapping Label and Wrapping Text Field objects appear next to each other in the Object Library, as shown in Figure 18-12.

The Wrapping Label and Wrapping Text Field objects in the Object Library

Figure 18-12. The Wrapping Label and Wrapping Text Field objects in the Object Library

To display text on either a wrapping label or wrapping text field, you can double-click that object directly in Interface Builder and then type whatever text you want to appear in the wrapping label or wrapping text field.

If you want to change the text in a wrapping label or wrapping text field through Objective-C code, you need to define an NSTextField property variable in a header (.h) file:

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface MyTestAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
    NSWindow *window;
    NSTextField *bigText;
    NSTextField *labelText;

@property (retain) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
@property (retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *bigText;
@property (retain) IBOutlet NSTextField *labelText;


Then add the @synthesize command in the implementation (.m) file like this:

@synthesize bigText;
@synthesize labelText;

After you connect these NSTextField properties to a wrapping label and wrapping text field on your user interface, you'll be able to put text into either object using its stringValue property:

labelText.stringValue = @"This text can appear inside a Wrapping Label";
bigText.stringValue = @"This text can appear in a Wrapping Text Field";

You can just as easily retrieve the text stored in a wrapping label or a wrapping text field by using the stringValue property again:

NSLog (@"Wrapping Label text = %@", labelText.stringValue);
NSLog (@"Wrapping Text Field contents = %@", bigText.stringValue);


Labels are handy for displaying text to identify parts of your user interface or just to provide instructions or information for the user to read. Text fields are designed to allow the user to type in text so that your program can retrieve and manipulate that data.

If you need to display multiple lines of text, you can use a Wrapping Label object or a Wrapping Text Field object. With both labels and text fields, you can double-click the object directly on your user interface and type text that you want to appear on that label or text field; you can modify the Title property of each item via the Attributes Inspector; or you can assign a string to the label's stringValue property using Objective-C code.

Double-clicking and typing directly on the label or text field may be the simplest method, but using the Object Attributes window for a text field lets you define placeholder text, which appears dimmed to display a brief description of what type of information the user needs to type into that text field.

A combo box combines the features of a text field with a pop-up button, allowing users to either select from a list of choices or type in their own option. With the combo box, labels, and text fields, you must always connect your IBOutlet variables to the actual user interface item.

Labels, text fields, and combo boxes provide different ways to display information to the user and (for text fields and combo boxes) accept data from the user.

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