© Abhijit Mohanta, Anoop Saldanha 2020
A. Mohanta, A. SaldanhaMalware Analysis and Detection Engineeringhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6193-4_18

18. Debugging Code Injection

Abhijit Mohanta1  and Anoop Saldanha2
Independent Cybersecurity Consultant, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Independent Cybersecurity Consultant, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Code injection is a feature used by almost all malware for various reasons, including stealth. In Chapter 10, we explained the various types of code injection techniques available and the dynamic techniques that we can employ to identify them. In this chapter, we take a deeper look at code injection but from the point of view of reverse engineering, learning how to locate the injected code, finding the location in the parent process where the injection happens, and finally learning how to debug the child process after injection.

API Logs and Breakpoints

A good first step before you start reversing a sample is to run it through an API logger like APIMiner, Cuckoo Sandbox, or any other sandbox for that matter. An API logger generates and logs all the APIs used by the sample, giving you an understanding of the main functionalities of the sample. Also, identifying various sequences of APIs in the generated logs allows you to locate the point in the sample execution where it transitions from the packer stub/loader code to the unpacked payload code, which greatly helps you while debugging the sample, as you will learn in the next section.

Armed with the API logs in hand, you can now set breakpoints on these Win32 APIs using your favorite debugger, allowing you to jump to specific points in the sample execution, allowing you to skip tons of other unwanted code. For example, if you want to jump straight to the point where code injection takes place, you can set breakpoints on all the APIs related to code injection, which we have covered in Chapter 10. We use this technique in the next set of sections to identify and locate the injected code and debug the child process after injection.

IEP: Injection Entry Point

As you learned in detail in Chapter 10, every code injection involves an injector process and a target process. The injector injects code into the target process. Often, the target process is a benign process that the malware can use as a host to execute its malicious code.

After injecting its malicious code into the target process, the injector needs to execute its injected code inside the target. The execution doesn’t need to start from the first byte of the injected code. The injected content doesn’t need to have executable code from its very first byte. If the injected code is a DLL module, the first bytes start with the PE header, and the executable code lies somewhere deep inside the PE file format. But where is the injected code located in the target process?

Since the injector process has carried out the memory creation/set up on the target process before copying/injecting its code into the target, it has knowledge of the location of the injected code in that target. But after injection, the injector still has to determine the starting location or rather the address of the first instruction in the injected code from where the execution should start. We can term this address from which the injector starts the execution inside the injected code in the target process as an injected entry point (IEP), as illustrated by Figure 18-1.
Figure 18-1

Injection process and the injection entry point

From a reverse engineering point of view, to debug this injected code in the target process, we need to locate the IEP and start our debugging process from this particular location. Since the IEP in the target process is determined by the injector processes, looking into and debugging the injector process can give us clues about the value of the IEP in the target process.

In the next set of sections, we learn how to locate the IEP by using two injection techniques as case studies. The concepts you learn to locate the IEP with these two injection techniques can be extrapolated to any other injection technique that can be used by malware.

Locating IEP with CreateRemoteThread

Let’s start with one of the most traditional remote code execution techniques, the one that uses the CreateRemoteThread API to execute code in a target process.

For understanding this technique, let’s use Sample-18-1 from our samples repo and execute it using the help of our dynamic API logging tool APIMiner. Make sure you add the .exe file extension to this sample before using it. This sample works by injecting its code into an instance of the notepad.exe process and then executes its injected code inside the notepad.exe process. To run this sample, make sure that you have at least an instance of notepad.exe process running on the system.

In this example, our Sample-18-1.exe process is the injector process, while the instance of notepad.exe where code is injected is the target process. With an instance of notepad.exe already running, run APIMiner against this sample as we did in the previous sections, which should generate API logs an excerpt of which we have posted in Figure 18-2.
Figure 18-2

APIMiner API logs for Sample-18-1.exe

Open up the API logs generated, and you see the various APIs called by this sample. The steps summarize how this sample operates. All the steps are inferred by identifying the various API calls made by looking into the API logs generated by APIMiner.
  1. 1.

    The sample locates an instance of the notepad.exe process by iterating the list of processes on the system using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, and Process32Next APIs.

  2. 2.

    With the notepad.exe instance target process identified, the sample opens the process using NtOpenProcess API.

  3. 3.

    With a handle to the target process obtained, the sample allocates memory in the target process by using the NtAllocateVirtualMemory API.

  4. 4.

    With memory now allocated inside the target, the sample now uses the WriteProcessMemory API to write/inject its injected code into the target.

  5. 5.

    With the sample now having injected its code, it executes the injected code in the target process using the CreateRemoteThread API.


Figure 18-2 highlights in the API logs file some of the APIs we have listed in the steps, that have been used by the Sample-18-1.exe during the injection process. Do note that APIMiner logs the NT version of the Win32 APIs, which are usually called by their non-NT Win32 wrappers. Whenever you see an NT API, mentally try to figure out the wrapper Win32 API that has invoked the API. You can also use Google to search for the Win32 wrapper APIs that call these NT APIs. For example, while debugging, you encounter the VirtualAllocEx API , which is a wrapper for the NtAllocateVirtualMemory NT API and allocates memory into the target process.

Armed with these APIs from the log files, we can track down the injected code using the debugger.

Before debugging Sample-18-1.exe, make sure that you have at least an instance of notepad.exe running, as the sample needs it to inject code into. Open Sample-18-1.exe using OllyDbg, and it starts the process and breaks/stops at the entry point of the sample. To know how to use the debugger to debug this sample, you can refer to Chapter 16.

As you learned from Chapter 10, the first point of code injection usually happens with the OpenProcess Win32 API, whose NT API version is NTOpenProcess. We can straight away start debugging from this point, by setting a breakpoint on OpenProcess and then continue debugging the code. Although our APIMiner API logs show NtOpenProcess as the API, we are setting a breakpoint at OpenProcess since we know that NtOpenProcess is a lower-level NT API that is invoked by the higher-level wrapper OpenProcess Win32 API. You can also set a breakpoint on NtOpenProcess, and that should also work.

After continuing execution of the sample, as Figure 18-3 shows, our instance of OllyDbg breaks/stop execution after hitting the breakpoint, we set at Openprocess. The various parameters passed to the API. One of the most important parameters is the ProcessID, which is the PID of the target (child) process. We need this PID next to debug the child process after code injection. So make a note of the PID you obtain in your OllyDbg instance.
Figure 18-3

Debugger breaks at OpenProcess API on which we have set a breakpoint for Sample-18-1.exe

When the OpenProcess API is executed, it returns a handle to the process that has been opened in the EAX register. You can finish the execution of the OpenProcess API and return from inside this API back to the user code by using the key combination of Alt+F9. After returning to the user code, you can check the value of the EAX register. In our case, the value of the EAX register is 0x84, which is the handle of the process that was opened using OpenProcess. Make a note of both this process handle value and the PID, which on our system are 0x84 and 3468 respectively, as these values are used as arguments to other Win32 APIs called subsequently by the sample to carry out the code injection. Later, you use the same process handle value as arguments to VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and the CreateRemoteThread APIs.

As you can see in our API logs in Figure 18-2, the sample calls VirtualAllocEx(NtAllocateVirtualMemory, the NT version in APIMiner), which allocates a space of 500 bytes inside the target process. From where we previously left off after exiting OpenProcess, you can either single-step your way till you hit the CALL instruction, which calls this VirtualAllocEx API. Alternatively, you can set a breakpoint on VirtualAllocEx and run the debugger, and it automatically breaks when this API is hit, and you can then exit the API back to the user code.

For now, you can single-step till you reach the instruction that invokes this API, which for us is at address 0x4125B6. You can see the arguments passed to VirtualAllocEx on the stack, as seen in Figure 18-4. Again how do you identify the target process on which VirtualAllocEx is called? From the handle value 0x84, which we obtained earlier after the call to OpenProcess, as seen from the first parameter, hProcess.
Figure 18-4

VirtualAllocEx API called by our Sample-18-1

Step over this CALL instruction of VirtualAllocEx. The execution of VirtualAllocEx returns the address of allocated memory in the EAX register, which is 0x340000 for us. Make a note of the address allocated for you by noting the value of the EAX register after this API is invoked.

In Figure 18-2, the sample calls WriteProcessMemory to write/inject code into this allocated memory. Single-step your way from where you currently are to reach the CALL instruction where WriteProcessMemory is invoked, as seen in Figure 18-5. As you can see from the stack parameters, it supplies the remote address 0x340000 to this API, which it allocated previously.
Figure 18-5

Sample-18-5 call WriteProcessMemory API to inject/copy code into the target process

If you further look at parameters of WriteProcessMemory in the stack, the first parameter is hProcess, which is the handle of the target process, which is rightly 0x84 as we obtained earlier. The next parameter is BaseAddress, which is the address in the target process where the API is going to write the injected code. If you see the value of BaseAddress, it is the one returned by VirtualAllocEx earlier (i.e., 0x340000). The next parameter Buffer holds the value 0x12FE5C, which is an address inside the injector process, which contains the code that needs to be injected into the target process. This buffer contains the code to be injected, and its contents can be seen in the OllyDbg memory window by going to the address, as shown in Figure 18-5.

After execution of the WriteProcessMemory API , the code in the buffer at address 0x12FE5C from the injector process is written to base address 0x340000 in the target process. Step over this instruction that invokes WriteProcessMemory at address 0x412600, and then checks out the content of the base address in the target process. You can check the contents using the Process Hacker tool. You can browse to the memory window of a process using Process Hacker and then view the content of the memory region that you wish to see. As we know that the allocated memory in the target process into which code has been injected/copied is 0x340000 open up the memory contents of these pages, as shown in Figure 18-6.
Figure 18-6

Using Process Hacker to view the content of the memory allocated in target process where code was injected by the injector process

If you observe the content written to this address, it is the same as the contents of the address pointed by the Buffer parameter of WriteProcessMemory (i.e., 0x12FE5C), as seen in Figure 18-5.

In this sample, there is only one single memory block allocated in the target process, and that code was only copied over once. Hence you see only one call for VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory APIs. But when you are dealing with malware samples, there are multiple allocations of memory in the target process and multiple data copy operations, which you can easily identify by the multiple calls to VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory APIs.

After the injected code is written into the target process, it’s now the turn of the injector process to make sure the target process executes it. To achieve this, the injector process invokes CreateRemoteThread API to execute the injected code inside a remote thread that is now created inside the target process, as seen in the API logs seen in Figure 18-2. Single-step till you reach the CALL instruction that invokes the CreateRemoteThread API, the invocation of this API in our debugger, as seen in Figure 18-7.
Figure 18-7

CreateRemoteThread invoked by injector process to start a new remote thread in the target process to execute the code it earlier injected

The important parameters in the above API invocation are hRemoteProcess and StartAddress. hRemoteProcess is the process handle to the target process we obtained from the invocation to OpenProcess (0x84). StartAddress holds the address from where the new remotely created thread should start execution, which is 0x340000. From an analysis standpoint StartAddressis what we need and is the injection entry point (IEP) from which the injected code starts executing in the target process.


In this case, this StartAddress is at the start of the injected buffer allocated in the target process. But it need not always be the case, and the address of the first/starting instruction can be anywhere in the injected buffer

Now since we know the address of IEP, we need to find a technique to start debugging from the IEP in the target process. Do not step over or execute over the CALL instruction for CreateRemoteThread API since that execute the remote code, and the execution gets past IEP. We want to be in a position to start debugging right from the IEP instruction location. So do not further debug or execute any more instructions in the injector process Sample-18-1.exe in your OllyDbg instance.

Now to debug the injected code from IEP, you need to launch another instance of OllyDbg and attach it to the target process. You can do this by going to File ➤ Attach in OllyDbg’s menu bar and select our target process, which we know is notepad.exe . Alternatively, we know the PID 0xD8C(3468) of our child target process from the earlier OpenProcess, as seen in Figure 18-3. As seen in Figure 18-8, we have selected our target process to be attached to by our new instance of OllyDbg by selecting the Attach button.
Figure 18-8

OllyDbg attaching to the target process so that we can debug the injected code

Sometimes debuggers may not be able to attach to the target process in case the target process has been opened for injection or is in a suspended state, as it usually happens with process hollowing. In that case, we need to try out a technique known as the EBFE trick, which we discuss later in this chapter.

Now that we have attached to the target process, we need to go to the IEP in the target process in the OllyDbg disassembler window. You can do this by going to the disassembly window. Use the Go to expression option (Ctrl+G) to enter the IEP address noted earlier (i.e., 0x340000), which should take you straight to the IEP in the injected code, as seen in Figure 18-9.
Figure 18-9

Debugging from the IEP by setting the New origin here option in OllyDbg

As seen, now that the disassembler window shows us the code around the IEP, we can start executing it from the IEP instruction by right-clicking the instruction at IEP and choose the New origin here option, as seen in Figure 18-9.

This is the easiest way to start debugging from the IEP. Another option can be to set a breakpoint at the IEP and then go back to the first instance of OllyDbg, which is still debugging the injector process and then execute the CreateRemoteThread CALL instruction where we had halted before. After you execute the CALL instruction for CreateRemoteThread in the injector process, the debugger breaks at the breakpoint set at IEP in the target process. Now you are all set to debug the injected code line by line from the start of the IEP in the target process.

Locating IEP with Thread Context

Another method used by malware to execute code in a target process is by changing the context of a remote thread in the target process. A context of a thread is a structure that can store various information like the state of the registers, entry point of the main module of the process, and so forth. The context of a thread can be altered to change the execution flow of a thread/process.

To alter the context of a thread, the thread should be in a suspended state so that the task scheduler does not alter that context. With the target process’ thread suspended, the injector process retrieves the copy of the target process thread’s context structure by using the GetThreadContext API . Then the local copy of the context structure is altered as per the location of the injected code in the target process. The altered local copy of the context structure is copied back to the target process by using the SetThreadContext API .

The code in Listing 18-1 shows the pseudocode used by the injector process that alters the context of a thread of a target process.
GetThreadContext(ThreadHandle, &ContextStruct);
ContextStruct.[Eax|Eip|Rip] = IEP;
ContextStruct.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_INTEGER;
SetThreadContext(ThreadHandle, &ContextStruct);
Listing 18-1

Pseudocode to Show How the Context of a Remote Target process Thread Is Alterted

In the code listing, ThreadHandle is the handle to a suspended thread in the target process. The ContextStruct is a copy of the context structure of this remote thread, retrieved with the help of GetThreadContext API. Based on the type of injection used, the Eax/Eip/Rip field in the context structure is altered to point to the IEP located in the injected code in the target process. The Eax/Eip/Rip field in the context structure determines the entry point of the main module of the target process. The SetThreadContext API copies back the altered context structure back to the target process’ thread. The call to the ResumeThread API resumes execution of the suspended thread in the target process from the new IEP set earlier in the ContextStruct.

This kind of technique is commonly found in the process hollowing technique, also known as runpe technique , covered in detail in Chapter 10. Let’s now look at malware Sample-18-2.txt, which contains instructions to download the malware sample, which you can download and rename as Sample-18-2.exe. We reverse this sample to understand how to process hollowing uses the context to set the IEP and how we can debug such samples.

Start by generating the API logs for the Sample-18-2.exe using the APIMiner tool as we did for our earlier sample in this chapter. Open the API logs and inspect the various APIs invoked by this sample, an excerpt of which is shown in Figure 18-10.
Figure 18-10

APIMiner logs for Sample-18-2.exe that uses process hollowing and alters the context of the remote target thread to set the IEP and execute the injected code

In the API logs, you can see a call to CreateProcessInternalW API. The API is used here to create a new process in the system but in suspended mode, as identified by its parameter values [creation_flags]4. In the sequence of APIs, NTUnmapViewOfSection unmaps the main module of the target process. Then a new memory region is created in the same memory region where the previous main module was located by using NtAllocateVirtualMemory API. Then this memory is filled/injected with new code using WriteProcessMemory. Then the sequence of GetThreadContext, SetThreadContext, and ResumeThread alters the context to the new IEP and then executes it.

With a basic understanding of the API sequence, we can start by debugging the sample using OllyDbg. According to the API logs seen in Figure 18-10, set a breakpoint on CreateProcessInternalW and run the process in OllyDbg, which should get us past the packer code, straight to the point where code injection is happening. The debugger should now break at this API at which we have set our breakpoint. As seen in Figure 18-11, the parameters of CreateProcessInternalW API are on the stack.
Figure 18-11

Stack displaying the parameters of CreateProcessInternalW

We have marked some of the important parameters of CreatProcessInternalW in the image. The third parameter is the path of the executable from which the new process is created. This sample executes and hollows an instance of itself. Hence it creates a process out of its own executable. Process hollowing is meant to hide the code inside a system process like svchost.exe. So for most other malware cases, you see a new process spawned against a system program like svhchost.exe. But in this, the malware uses process hollowing to unpack the code inside its own hollowed process.

The next important parameter is the seventh one, which the creation flags. In this case, the value of the creation flags is 4, as we have already seen in the API logs from FIgure 18-10, which says the new process is created in a suspended mode, which is an indication of process hollowing. The eleventh parameter is a pointer to the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure , which is supposed to contain information regarding the newly created process. The structure is filled with information when the new process is created after the execution of CreateProcessInternalW API. Keep a note of the address of this structure since we are parsing it soon, which is 0xFE784.

Let’s continue debugging till we get out of this API and return to user code by using a key combination or Alt+F9. After the execution of the API, a new process is created in a suspended mode, which is the child/target process. In this case, the parent process is the Injector, and the child process is the target, as shown in Figure 18-12. The process name is the same for both the processes as the same executable launches the processes.
Figure 18-12

The parent/injector process and the child/target process seen in Process Hacker

Now let’s inspect the contents of the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure, now that we have returned from CreateProcessInternalW API . OllyDbg already has definitions of the important Windows operating system data structures. To parse this structure, first go to its address in the memory window, which is 0xFE784. Next, right-click the address and choose the Decode as structure option. The option displays a window that provides a drop-down menu to choose the appropriate structure, as shown in Figure 18-13.
Figure 18-13

Decoding/parsing memory contents as a particular structure using OllyDbg

You can now select the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure and click the OK button. OllyDbg parses the content at the address and parses and formats it based on the structure you selected. As seen in Figure 18-14, it displays the various fields in the structure in a structure window.
Figure 18-14

PROCESS_INFORMATION structure parsed against the structure located at address 0xFE784, which we obtained earlier from the call to CreateProcessInternalW in Figure 18-11

Since this a newly created process, it has a single instance of thread in it. The ProcessID and ThreadID fields indicate the process ID and the thread ID in the newly created target process. The other two parameters, hProcess and hThread, are the handles to the suspended process and the thread in the target process, respectively. Note these handle values 0x9c and 0x98, as you see that these handles are used in subsequent API calls GetThreadContext, SetThreadContext, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and so forth.

Now that we are outside the CreateProcessInternalW API, back in the user-code that invoked the API, the next important API is GetThreadContext, as noted by the API logs in Figure 18-10. Step over the code until you reach the instruction that CALLs the GetThreadContext API, as seen in Figure 18-15.
Figure 18-15

GetThreadContext API invoked by Sample-18-2.exe to get the thread context

As you can see, the GetThreadContext API takes two parameters, hThread holding value 0x98, which is the handle to the thread for which the context structure should be retrieved, which we earlier obtained and noted by parsing the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure in Figure 18-14. The other argument is pContext, which is the address of the local buffer that stores the context of the thread from the target process. The fields in pContext are filled after execution of the API. Note the address value of pContext so that we can parse its contents after execution of the API. The value of this pContext argument for us is 0xFE024, as seen in the screenshot.

The context structure in OllyDbg is denoted by CONTEXT. After executing the API, you can use the same steps to parse the structure, which we used for parsing PROCESS_INFORMATION structure earlier. Load the address 0xFE024 of the pContext structure in the memory window and parse its contents as the CONTEXT structure, as seen in Figure 18-16.
Figure 18-16

The pContent argument at address 0xFE024 parsed as CONTEXT structure using OllyDbg

Next in the set of API calls, as seen in Figure 18-10, we see a couple of NtAllocateVirtualMemory(VirtualAllocEx), NtUnmapViewOfSection and WriteProcessMemory, which are all steps in process hollowing process, all of which allocates new memory in the target process and injects/copies code into it. Step over through the code until you cross through these APIs and have a look at its arguments.

With the code injected into the target process, the context structure is manipulated by the malware to point to the IEP, which is located in the injected code in the target process. The modified context structure is then copied back to the target process’ thread using the SetThreadContext API. After manipulating the local copy of the CONTEXT structure, the malware calls the SetThreadContext API, as seen in Figure 18-17.
Figure 18-17

SetThreadContext API invoked, to set the IEP in the target process to point to the injected code

The SetThreadContext also consumes the same parameters as the GetThreadContext. By stopping our debugging at the SetThreadContext API call, let’s inspect the context structure again by parsing the contents of the context structure at its address (0xFE024) using the same steps we used earlier to decode/parse this structure in Figure 18-16. Figure 18-18 shows us the contents of the altered context structure, just before the SetThreadContext API is invoked.
Figure 18-18

CONTEXT structure now altered to point to the IEP passed to SetThreadContext

The malware code preceding the CALL to SetThreadContext API alters the contents of the context structure. For verification, you can compare the fields of the structure with which we retrieved after executing GetThreadContext, as seen in Figure 18-18. The Eax field in the structure in Figure 18-1 is 0x46104000. In Figure 18-18, it has been altered by the malware to point to the IEP 0x41EF20.

When SetThreadContext API is called with this modified context structure, the entry point of the PE Header in the main module of the target process is altered to point to the IEP. Also, the EIP of the target process has been updated to point to the IEP. Execute/step over the CALL instruction for SetThreadContext API . Now let’s check out the PE header of the main module. You can again use Process Hacker to dump the contents of the PE header. You can simply right-click the first memory block of the main module in the target process, which contains the PE header. Then select Save, which saves the contents of the memory block containing the PE header to a file, as seen in Figure 18-19.
Figure 18-19

Process Hacker dumps the PE header of the target process’s main module

With the contents of the PE header saved to a file, you can then check the header contents using CFF Explorer, as seen in Figure 18-20. The SetThreadContext changed the address of the entry point, as seen by the RVA (relative virtual address) value 0x1EF20, which is the IEP. But in RVA format, where the IEP from the EAX register value in Figure 18-18 we noted was 0x41EF20, which is the base address 0x400000 + the RVA 0x1EF20 = 0x41EF20.
Figure 18-20

PE Header from the dumped target process as seen in CFF Explorer

The next API invoked by the sample is ResumeThread, as seen in the API logs in Figure 18-10, which now resumes the suspended thread, which ends up executing the injected code from the IEP.

If we want to debug the injected code, don’t execute the CALL instruction to ResumeThread in the injector process. It’s now time to open a new instance of OllyDbg and attach the debugger to the target process. We already have the IEP value, and we can straight away go to the disassembler window and start debugging from there as we did in the previous example by setting the new origin, as illustrated by Figure 18-21.
Figure 18-21

Debugging the injected code at the IEP in the target process

The EBFE Trick

In the examples shown earlier, we stopped debugging in the injector process at the CreateRemoteThread API in Sample-18-1.exe and at ResumeThread in Sample-18-2.exe, after which we attached a new instance of the debugger to the target process. Sometimes it can happen that the debugger is not able to attach to the target process mostly for cases where the target process is in a suspended state. How do we get around this problem where we can’t attach to the target process, but we need to still attach to it somehow and debug it using the debugger?

Let’s explore a technique called the EBFE technique that can help us to take control of the situation. The technique patches bytes in memory of the target process by using a tool like Process Hacker. We can patch the bytes at the calculated IEP to the hex machine code value EBFE. You will soon see the meaning of these bytes and how they are useful in debugging the target process and its injected code.

To explore the technique, let’s use Sample-18-1.exe and debug it up to the instruction that CALLs CreateRemoteThread API. It is after this point where we had earlier attached the target process to a new instance of OllyDbg debugger in our earlier analysis.

But let’s assume that OllyDbg cannot attach to the target process at this point. We now turn to Process Hacker for help. We can use the same technique to view the memory contents of injected code in Process Hacker as we did earlier in Figure 18-6. Make a note of the first two instruction bytes at the IEP address 0x340000, which are FC 33 in this case and replace it with the bytes EB FE, as shown in Figure 18-22.
Figure 18-22

Patch the code at IEP in the target process to EBFE using Process Hacker

After editing these instruction code bytes in the process, we need to press the Write button that writes the edited contents back to the process’s memory.

Now come back to the OllyDbg/debugger instance for the injector process, and you can continue debugging it and execute/run over the CALL instruction to CreateRemoteThread API or even run/execute the complete injector process. If the injector process has a handle to the target process, it releases the handle. If the target process was earlier in a suspended state like in Sample-18-2.exe, it is now an active process.

Now let’s spawn a new instance of OllyDbg and attach it to the target process. Since we have completely executed the code in the injector process, we can expect that the injected code is now executing in the target process’s thread. In OllyDbg that we have now opened for the target process, let’s see the threads in the target process by using a key combination of Alt+T. As seen in Figure 18-23, a thread that shows its Entry value of 0x340000 which is the location of the injected code and was the argument to the CreateRemoteThread API in the injector process.
Figure 18-23

Threads in the target process after inserting EBFE and continuing its execution

You can double-click this entry to take you to the code in the disassembler window, as seen in Figure 18-24.
Figure 18-24

The IEP in the target process, as seen in OllyDbg that shows our EBFE code being executed by the target process thread.

If you look at the bytes of the first instruction, it is EBFE, which is the one we inserted and patched earlier. You see these instruction bytes EBFE in assembly means JMP 0x340000, which is its own address, or in other words, JMP <to_itself>. The jump instruction is a loop to itself and continues executing itself without moving forward to the next instruction. If this instruction was not there, the complete injected code would have been executed from the IEP, and we could not have got a chance to debug the injected code in the target process from the IEP. But since the first instruction EBFE, which we patched at the IEP, is busy looping over itself, we get a chance to attach to the target process and still debug from the IEP. Now we can patch the original bytes FC 33 in place of EB FE and then continue executing step by step from here.


Code injection is a common functionality used by most malware, a technique we discussed and explored in detail in Chapter 10, but from a dynamic analysis perspective. In this chapter, you learned how to attack the same problem but from the point of view of a reverse engineer. In this chapter, you learned how to locate the injected code using OllyDbg debugger. We covered how to locate the IEP in the target process, which is the first instruction in the injected code that is executed. You learned various techniques to debug this injected code from this IEP instruction address by using two different use-cases. We also covered the EBFE trick that helps us cover cases in which debugging a code injected target process may not be possible using the normal attach to process option in debuggers. With the techniques learned in this chapter, you can debug any code injection technique used by any malware that you come across.

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