Cleaning up notifications

Old alerts should be considered for cleanup. They can cause delays in the system and the old alerts are no longer relevant to the users.

Notifications aren't just user alerts; they can be generated from workflow, the batch framework, or the Retail Commerce Data Exchange service.

Alerts from the batch framework and synchronization service can be very verbose, so cleaning up the old messages via a routine that we can submit to a batch queue is useful.

Getting ready

You should be logged in as a system administrator for this routine.

How to do it...

To delete old alerts, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System administration | Periodic | Notification clean up to open the following form:
    How to do it...
  2. The default options to clean up all notifications for the current company should be adjusted by clicking on Select.
  3. You can use the query editor to filter the data; if you wish to delete the alerts that are older than a month and submit this to a batch, use the lessThanDate function.
  4. You may wish to delete only the read alerts; in this case you can add a row to the Range table for the Read field.
  5. Once the query is configured (typically everything older than a certain date), click on OK on the query editor.
  6. You can then use the Batch tab to submit this to a batch group and adjust the recurrence (for example, once a month). Remember to remove the alerts.
  7. Click on OK on the Notification clean-up form.

How it works...

This will delete notifications based on the options specified on the form and the query that was configured. This will include unread alerts, unless filtered out in the query.

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