Chapter 4. Setting Up and Managing the Application Object Server

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Installing an additional object server
  • Creating a server cluster
  • Configuring an AOS instance as a batch server
  • Draining users
  • Taking an AOS instance offline


Dynamics AX is a three-tier architecture. Client, Application Server, and Database Server are shown as follows:

  • Tier 1: This is the Client, which is usually the AX client, that communicates with the Application Object Server (AOS). Code can be run on the client tier, but should be restricted to managing the user interface such as disabling buttons.
  • Tier 2: This is the Application Server that provides data and access to the business logic for the Client tier. This is a system that requires access to AX, such as the AX client, Services, Enterprise Portal, and Reports. This ensures that the business logic is followed, data validation is ensured, and application security is enforced. It also provides a limited level of high availability by clustering AOS and increasing the performance by moving the processing from the clients to the server tier.
  • Tier 3: This is the Database Server tier, which is always Microsoft SQL Server, and it performs the database operations requested by the AOS. The client does not communicate with the database directly.

This architecture also improves performance and reduces the bandwidth requirements for the client. The bandwidth intensive database transactions are performed between the application and database tiers.

This chapter covers most of the administration tasks concerning the Application Object Server.

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