Time for action — using a ring to emit particles

Instead of a point or box we can even use a ring as emitter.

  1. Change the emitter type to Ring:
    emitter Ring
  2. Define the Ring using width and height:
    height 50
    width 50
  3. Now, to create a ring and not a circle, we need to define how much of the inner part shouldn't emit particles. Here we use percentages:
    inner_height 0.9
    inner_width 0.9
  4. The rest stays untouched, as follows:
    emission_rate 50
    direction 0 1 0
    velocity 20
  5. Compile and run the application. Fly with the camera over the model instance and you should see where the ring emits particles.
    Time for action — using a ring to emit particles

What just happened?

We used the ring emitter to only emit particles in a defined ring. To define the ring, we used height and width, not a point and radius. Width and height describe the largest width and height the circle will have. Here, the following small diagram shows how the circle is defined. With the inner_width and inner_height, we define how much of the circle's inner area shouldn't emit particles. Here we don't use space units, but percentages.

What just happened?
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