Chapter 10

How About a Graphical Interface?


what makes a particle system

Particle, Emitter, and optional Affector


emitter parameters

emission_rate: How many particles should be emitted per second

direction: In which direction the particles should move

velocity: At which speed they should move

duration: How long does the emitter emit particles

repeat_delay: How long until it start emitting again

time_to_live: The length of the life of a particle

time_to_live_min: The minimum lifespan of a particle

time_to_live_max: The maximum lifespan of a particle

angle: How much the particles' movement direction can differ from the direction given

colour: The color of a particle an particle has

colour_range_start: Beginning point for the particle's color interpolation

colour_range_end: End point for the particle's color interpolation

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