Time for action — adding a plane and a light

Everything we are going to add this time is going in the createScene() function:

  1. As we already know we need a plane definition, so add one:
    Ogre::Plane plane(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y, -5);
    Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, plane,
  2. Then create an instance of this plane, add it to the scene, and change the material:
    Ogre::Entity* ground= _sceneManager->createEntity("LightPlaneEntity", "plane");
  3. Also we would like to have some light in the scene; add one directional light:
    Ogre::Light* light = _sceneManager->createLight("Light1");
  4. And some shadows would be nice:
  5. Compile and run the application. You should see a plane with a stone texture and on top the Sinbad instance throwing a shadow on the plane.
    Time for action — adding a plane and a light

What just happened?

Again, we used our previously gained knowledge to create a plane, light, and add shadows to the scene.

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