Time for action—applying SEO for categories

In this section, we will learn how to apply SEO for categories. Categories are also well indexed by search engines. So, it is also advised to apply basic SEO for them.

  1. Let's edit one of the categories. You can reach the category listings under the Catalog | Categories menu. Be sure to fill in Meta Tag description.
    Time for action—applying SEO for categories
  2. Let's open Data tab and fill in SEO Keyword field. Be sure to put sign between words.
    Time for action—applying SEO for categories
  3. Here is how the SEO applied category URL will look:
    Time for action—applying SEO for categories

What just happened?

We have learned how to apply SEO for a category.


It is very important to set a SEO Keyword for every category in the store. For example, if we apply a SEO Keyword for a category and forget the subcategories under it, the category browsing may not be working correctly!

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