Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro

In this section, we will learn how to configure PayPal Website Payment Pro on OpenCart.


We already have a Website Payment Pro paid account to use this functionality. The details are at this link: https://merchant.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=merchant/wp_pro.

  1. First of all, we visit http://www.paypal.com and log in to the system. After this, let's click on the Profile link.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro
  2. Let's click on the API Access menu.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro
  3. We will click on the Request API Credentials link.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro
  4. We will need to select the Request API signature option. Let's click on the Agree and Submit button.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro
  5. The next page will list API Username, API Password, and Signature. Let's take a note of these values and click on the Done button to complete.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro
  6. Let's open the Extensions | Payments menu in the administration panel.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro
  7. Let's click on the Install link near the PayPal Website Payment Pro option.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro
  8. We will edit the payment configuration details page. Let's provide the API Username, API Password, and API Signature values that we have retrieved from PayPal website in previous steps. We have the option to make operations on the Test server. Let's choose No for Test Mode to enable it on a real payment gateway. Let's choose Transaction Mode as Sale. We choose Order Status as Pending and Status as Enabled. This payment option will be available for All Zones according to current Geo Zone selection. Let's click on the Save button to complete the operation.
    Time for action—configuring PayPal Website Payment Pro

What just happened?

We have just finished enabling and setting the PayPal Website Payment Pro method. From now on, the customers can use their credit cards to pay for the products online without leaving the store for the payment process. All operations are done in store without any visible connection to PayPal.


Readers who want to use PayPal Website Payments Pro UK version instead can go to the following link to open their business accounts and get API values:


Have a go hero—testing PayPal Website Payment Pro method

Now it is your turn to test just the enabled PayPal Website Payment Pro method. Make several test purchases with small 0.01 amounts on products. Be sure that all operations are completed in store without leaving to PayPal.


This is a paid payment gateway service with similar functionality to PayPal Website Payment Pro. It means that customers can provide their credit card information without leaving the website and without any sign of authorize.net processing the information. So, this one is a paid service with an included payment gateway service and merchant account.


Visit and compare the prices against the similar PayPal Website Payment Pro at www.authorize.net.

We can also get more payment gateway modules on the OpenCart extensions section by searching in Payment Methods.


Bank transfer

We can easily achieve being able to accept bank transfer payments by activating a module in OpenCart. The order of the customer is held in pending status until the bank payment is confirmed.

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