Time for action—updating Privacy Policy module information

In this section, we will learn where to update an Information module section, particularly Privacy Policy for our store.

  1. Let's open the Catalog | Information menu.
    Time for action—updating Privacy Policy module information
  2. Let's Edit the Privacy Policy line.
    Time for action—updating Privacy Policy module information
  3. We can change Information Title, write a Description, and apply SEO URL. Let's click on the Save button to finish.
    Time for action—updating Privacy Policy module information
  4. The following screenshot shows the updated Privacy Policy page:
    Time for action—updating Privacy Policy module information

What just happened?

We have learned how to change Privacy Policy for our store.

Pop quiz—understanding SEO for online stores

Which of the following statements are true?

a. We should immediately enable SEO URLs before submitting our store to search engine directories.

b. If we add a SEO keyword for a category, we certainly need to add keywords for other categories.

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