Time for action—adding a new currency option

In this section, we will learn how to add the Canadian dollar (CAD) as a local currency option.

  1. Let's browse into the System | Localisation | Currencies menu.
    Time for action—adding a new currency option
  2. We will insert a new currency. Let's fill the needed fields according to the following screenshot:
    Time for action—adding a new currency option
  3. As we can see from the following screenshot, a customer can change the currency to CAD and all prices of products will be automatically converted according to the defined exchange rate:
    Time for action—adding a new currency option
  4. We can also set the default local currency for the store in the System | Settings menu, in the Local tab. Let's notice that there is an Auto Update Currency option. If we enable it, all currency exchange rates will be updated to the newest values daily:


    OpenCart gets this information from Yahoo Finance website at the backend each day, automatically.

    Time for action—adding a new currency option

What just happened?

We have just learned how to insert a new currency option. In this specific case, we have added a CAD option and set the exchange rate to auto-update in local store settings.

Pop quiz—localization

Decide whether the following statements are true or not:

  1. We can run a store in multiple languages in OpenCart.
  2. We will have to update currency rates manually every day.
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