Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading

We will now learn how to download the latest version of OpenCart and upload to our server. Then, we will run upgrade script.

  1. Let's browse into


    We will save latest OpenCart zip file on our local computer.

    Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading
  2. Now, let's click on the Extract Here menu item to extract all the contents of a folder.
    Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading
  3. We need to delete default, and empty the config.php file in the upload folder in our local computer.


    Do not delete the config.php file on your web server by mistake.

    Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading
  4. We also delete the config.php file, which resides in the upload/admin folder in our local computer.
    Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading
  5. Now, let's add all the files in the upload folder into an upload.zip archive file on our local computer.
    Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading
  6. Let's upload the upload.zip file where our store files are on the web server. Then, let's Extract all the contents to the same folder on the web server. We should allow re-writing of all files if we get a message about doing it.


    The other solution would be deleting all files on the server except config.php and extracting the new files there.

    Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading
  7. After the extraction is complete, let's browse into http://www.yourwebsite.com/store/install/upgrade.php path. Here, we have assumed our OpenCart installation is under /store directory. If our store files are under root folder of the website, we should browse into


    The script will run and inform us about the result. The following screenshot shows the success page:

    Time for action—downloading the latest Opencart files, uploading them to the server, and upgrading
  8. Let's browse into the storefront now and be sure that everything is working as expected. Also, let's open the administration panel and check the system settings. If there are any changes, let's apply them to the needed settings back.

What just happened?

We have downloaded the latest OpenCart version to our local computer. We have extracted the contents of the archive file and deleted two config.php files which reside in the upload and upload/admin folders.

Then, we re-packaged all the upload folder content as upload.zip. The next step was to upload the upload.zip file to our webserver and extract this archive. We have re-written all files with the new versions. We have run the upgrade script and have seen the results of the upgrade process.

Finally, we have controlled all functionality of the OpenCart system, both on the storefront and on the administration panel menus.

Have a go hero—exploring config.php files

Now, go and download the config.php files both from the store root and admin folders. Open them with any word editor and explore the contents. They include several path definitions which OpenCart uses and your database connection information.

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