Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails

In this section, we will now learn how to replace OpenCart files and restore the database.

  1. Let's open File Manager in cPanel and find where our OpenCart files are located. In this case, they are in the store folder. Let's delete it.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  2. Let's upload our backup store.zip file here and extract the contents.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  3. We now have old OpenCart files which are retrieved from the backup file, as we can see from the following screenshot:
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  4. We can use the built-in Restore tool of OpenCart. Let's browse into the System | Backup | Restore menu. After that let's choose the backup.sql files which we have previously saved in our local computer. All we need to do finally is to click on the Restore button on the top of the screen.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails


    If you have used the first method of restoring OpenCart database, you can skip the following section. Still, you can read it to increase your knowledge on cPanel Backup Wizard.

  5. Let's open Backup Wizard on cPanel. It is under the Files menu.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  6. We will need to click on the Restore button to continue.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  7. Let's click on the MySQL Databases button on the Select Restore Type menu.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  8. We will need to browse the OpenCart database backup file which we have already backed up before. After this, let's click on the Upload button.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  9. The restore wizard will run the contents of the SQL file in the archive. It will drop all tables in this database, recreate them, and reinsert all of the values.
    Time for action—restoring OpenCart system if upgrade fails
  10. Now, we should check both the storefront and administration settings manually to be sure that every functionality works as expected.

What just happened?

We first deleted all OpenCart files. Then, we have uploaded the backup file and xtracted the contents. So, we have finished restoring files. We have opened the Backup Wizard in cPanel and uploaded a database backup through the wizard. It has run and overwritten our database to old values which are retrieved from the SQL backup file.

Pop quiz—understanding OpenCart upgrade process

  1. Suppose that we have accidentally overwritten current config.php files with the empty config.php files which are included in new OpenCart releases. What would happen if we run the upgrade wizard?
  2. Can we upgrade any OpenCart version using the latest auto-update script which we can download on the official OpenCart website?
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