Time for action—deleting pre-installed store data

In this section, we will delete all the old sample store data that we will not need for our new store.

  1. We browse to the OpenCart administration panel and make a login using the username and password we have created upon installation. The administration panel is available at http://yourwebsite.com/store/admin.
    Time for action—deleting pre-installed store data
  2. Let's click on the Catalog | Categories menu.
    Time for action—deleting pre-installed store data
  3. Let's choose all category items by using the checkbox on the top-left of the screen and then delete all categories.
    Time for action—deleting pre-installed store data
  4. As a result, we have deleted all categories, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Time for action—deleting pre-installed store data
  5. The next step is to browse a Catalog | Products menu.
    Time for action—deleting pre-installed store data
  6. We select all the products on the page by using the checkbox on the top-left of the screen and clicking the Delete button.
    Time for action—deleting pre-installed store data
  7. Do not forget to repeat this process for the second page to delete all products.

What just happened?

We have just finished deleting all categories and products on the pre-installed sample store.

Have a go hero—deleting pre-populated manufacturer data

Now, it is your turn to delete all manufacturer data which was inserted automatically upon installation.


Hint: It is under the Catalog | Manufacturers menu.

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