Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it

In this section, we will add Men's shoes as a parent (top) category for our store. Then, we will add a Athletic subcategory under it.

  1. Let's open the Catalog | Categories menu.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  2. We will click on the Insert button next.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  3. Let's fill in the general category data similar to the following screenshot by Category Name, Meta Tag Description, and Description. Then we will click on the Data tab.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  4. We should choose the Default store name from the Stores list and click on the Save button. We can disable a category showing in our store by changing Category status. The default value is Enabled. We can also arrange categories in a way that they will appear in the order we want using Sort Order field. By default, it is 0.

    We will talk about SEO Keyword field in one of the later chapters. Leave the other fields on their default settings.


    We can run more than one store on a single OpenCart installation. We will explore the topic of creating new stores in later chapters. For this chapter, we will be doing operations on Default installed store.

    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  5. We have finished adding the Men's shoes category. Now, let's click on the Insert button to continue adding the subcategory.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  6. We fill in the general information for the Athletic subcategory similar to the following screenshot. Then, let's click on the Data tab.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  7. We choose Men's shoes as Parent Category in order to place the Athletic category as a sub-category under Men's shoes. Let's choose Default store. We will click on the small icon on the Image field to add a new image for the category.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  8. Image manager will be opened. We will see a list of pre-uploaded images for the sample store. Let's continue by clicking on the New Folder menu item. A pop-up box will be opened. Let's enter shoes as a new folder name and click on the Submit button.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  9. We have now shoes directory under the image directory. Let's click on the Upload menu item.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  10. After we upload an image from the local computer, we will see that the image is available for usage. Let's double click on the image.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  11. Finally, we have attached an image for the category. Let's click on the Save button to complete the process.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it
  12. Let's browse to our store and browse the Men's shoes category. Notice that some of the information we have provided for these categories have appeared: the description field for men's shoes and image for Athletic sub-category.
    Time for action—adding a category and subcategory under it

What just happened?

We have added a Men's shoes category and Athletic subcategory under it. Notice that we have carefully written, detailed text in the meta description field for both categories. It is important to not neglect this field because search engines use meta HTML tag data to help indexing the pages. Adding related images on subcategories also helps the website become visually more attractive. We could also optionally enable/disable a category at any time and decide the sort order of categories.

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