Time for action—adding Reebok as shoe brand

We will now see how to add Reebok as a shoe brand on our store.

  1. Browse the Catalog | Manufacturer menu in the administration panel and click on the Insert button.
    Time for action—adding Reebok as shoe brand
  2. Write Reebok as Manufacturer name and select the default store name from the available Stores list. Then, we can provide the Reebok logo as an image in a similar way as we did for categories previously. Finally, click on the Save button to finish.
    Time for action—adding Reebok as shoe brand

What just happened?

We have finished adding a sample brand name for our store. It is a common practice to provide company logos as an image in many real online stores. This way, our store would also look more attractive and informative.

Have a go hero—adding more sample brands

Now, add Puma and Adidas as other brands for the shoe store.

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